The comments on the nbc show that I linked with my first post shocked me. The totality of politically correct condemnation neglected the truth in what Romney said while speaking his true mind. It's the first time I've seen the man talk without dodging his way through. Romney is under attack from a lot of people for the things said in the video, even Bill Krystol. He straight out divided the country in half, and said that he did not care about the people who aren't financially comfortable or wealthy...does not care about them. Well, that's what I've been saying about Republicans, so it was good to see Romney say it. Truth is that it's taboo for a candidate to speak so frankly in public. Same with his statement about the Israelis and Palestinians, which I thought an accurate observation about our current policy. That's another taboo he violated; you are not supposed to say that we are ignoring what's happening on the West Bank, but that's basically what we're doing.