The GOP Festivus !!



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
.... and now that the GOP has control of the House, its time for the airing of grievances ! I got a lot of problems with you people!


Jim "Rolled-Up-Sleeves-So-I-Look-Like-I-Work-Hard" Jordan already measuring curtains for his new office and plans to check into Biden's misdeeds in college. Maybe Matt Gaetz and MJT get to jointly lead a select committee on ... well, it doesn't matter.

Let loose the retaliatory investigations that no one cares about!!


[The one investigation that makes sense to me and would be legitimate is one into the Afghanistan withdrawal. Now, I am 100 % confident the GOP will overplay their hand on it --- I am setting the over/under on the right wing blogosphere headlines that begin with the phrase "Bombshell testimony" over the next two years at 2,500 -- but as to that event I think it perfectly reasonable to find out where the failures were in understanding what was coming there i.e. intelligence failure or failure to heed the intelligence. But the rest of them will be purely retaliatory garbage and time wasters that will do nothing other than make Sean Hannity richer.]
.... and now that the GOP has control of the House, its time for the airing of grievances ! I got a lot of problems with you people!


Jim "Rolled-Up-Sleeves-So-I-Look-Like-I-Work-Hard" Jordan already measuring curtains for his new office and plans to check into Biden's misdeeds in college. Maybe Matt Gaetz and MJT get to jointly lead a select committee on ... well, it doesn't matter.

Let loose the retaliatory investigations that no one cares about!!


[The one investigation that makes sense to me and would be legitimate is one into the Afghanistan withdrawal. Now, I am 100 % confident the GOP will overplay their hand on it --- I am setting the over/under on the right wing blogosphere headlines that begin with the phrase "Bombshell testimony" over the next two years at 2,500 -- but as to that event I think it perfectly reasonable to find out where the failures were in understanding what was coming there i.e. intelligence failure or failure to heed the intelligence. But the rest of them will be purely retaliatory garbage and time wasters that will do nothing other than make Sean Hannity richer.]
Nothing near the extent Democrats went to after last election.
.... and now that the GOP has control of the House, its time for the airing of grievances ! I got a lot of problems with you people!


Jim "Rolled-Up-Sleeves-So-I-Look-Like-I-Work-Hard" Jordan already measuring curtains for his new office and plans to check into Biden's misdeeds in college. Maybe Matt Gaetz and MJT get to jointly lead a select committee on ... well, it doesn't matter.

Let loose the retaliatory investigations that no one cares about!!


[The one investigation that makes sense to me and would be legitimate is one into the Afghanistan withdrawal. Now, I am 100 % confident the GOP will overplay their hand on it --- I am setting the over/under on the right wing blogosphere headlines that begin with the phrase "Bombshell testimony" over the next two years at 2,500 -- but as to that event I think it perfectly reasonable to find out where the failures were in understanding what was coming there i.e. intelligence failure or failure to heed the intelligence. But the rest of them will be purely retaliatory garbage and time wasters that will do nothing other than make Sean Hannity richer.]

Like the January 6th commission?
.... and now that the GOP has control of the House, its time for the airing of grievances ! I got a lot of problems with you people!


Jim "Rolled-Up-Sleeves-So-I-Look-Like-I-Work-Hard" Jordan already measuring curtains for his new office and plans to check into Biden's misdeeds in college. Maybe Matt Gaetz and MJT get to jointly lead a select committee on ... well, it doesn't matter.

Let loose the retaliatory investigations that no one cares about!!


[The one investigation that makes sense to me and would be legitimate is one into the Afghanistan withdrawal. Now, I am 100 % confident the GOP will overplay their hand on it --- I am setting the over/under on the right wing blogosphere headlines that begin with the phrase "Bombshell testimony" over the next two years at 2,500 -- but as to that event I think it perfectly reasonable to find out where the failures were in understanding what was coming there i.e. intelligence failure or failure to heed the intelligence. But the rest of them will be purely retaliatory garbage and time wasters that will do nothing other than make Sean Hannity richer.]
How many times did you prematurely ejaculate in your pants over some Trump bombshell that turned out to be nothing?
Subpoena power for Republicans now carries no weight since they set the precedent for ignoring them when issued.
It would be laughable seeing someone like Gym Jordan on an oversight committee talking about issuing subpoenas to Democrats.
I mean the Dems and Repubs have stacked the offices and basically legislated themselves a money making racket and those with connections are allowed to pad that income using insider trading based the bills and and deals they cut.

Perhaps it is time for a public revolt, it needs to be bipartisan and examples need to be made. They are openly mocking us as we continue to vote them in. Chew them up and spit them out!
Republicans are too inept to do it right. They'll look like a bunch of johnny-come-latelys trying to out grandstand each other. .
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