The greatest conservative speaker...



Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
... gives us another gem.

RealClearPolitics - How Smart Are We?

Sidenote: you will please note that America's greatest conservative thinker is a black man... as are several other intellectuals whose ideals make up the core Tea Party/conservative beliefs.
That was well done, but nothing groundbreaking.

The best modern conservative thinker (who has a national voice) is George Will, who accepted the mantle from Buckley.
I honestly do not like Will. I'm not sure I would even consider him a conservative on the order of Sowell or Buckley.
I honestly do not like Will. I'm not sure I would even consider him a conservative on the order of Sowell or Buckley.

Don't have to like him. He's more pragmatic, but a thinker on the order of either. Discounting Limbaugh is a bad idea too. His entertainer status get in the way, but he's in the conversation.
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knock out of park:

In 2007, per capita welfare state spending, adjusted for inflation, was 77 percent higher than it had been when Ronald Reagan was inaugurated 27 years earlier. The trend continues and the trend is ominous. Fifty-one days ago the president signed into law health care reform, that great lunge to complete the New Deal project and the Great Society, that great lunge to make us more European. At exactly the moment that this is done the European Ponzi scheme of the social welfare state is being revealed for what it is.
Good grief, that CPI adjusted per capita number is amazing. Don't think I've ever seen it cut that way.

Guess we're trying to put to bed the old, and accurate, adage that a nation can't tax itself into prosperity. We are damn sure trying to tax some portion of our nation into prosperity.
I find George Will boring in the long run, I prefer Thomas Sowell as one of the leading conservative thinkers.


"I think this man (Obama) really does believe he can change the world and people like that are infinately more dangerous than mere crooked politicians."
Thomas Sowel

Reagan has some fantastic speeches out there as well.

He had some terrific speeches.

Ronald Reagan 1964;

Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro, and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said, "We don't know how lucky we are." And the Cuban stopped and said, "How lucky you are? I had someplace to escape to." And in that sentence he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.

And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people, is still the newest and the most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man.

This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.

It isn't that what we generally refer to as 'liberals' don't know what they are doing, Biden recently said he though Brussels would make a swell world capitol.

Here is a quote from 'Italy' by Muriel Grinrod published by Oxford University Press, 1964, in speaking about the rude interuption of fascism during the political/economic progress of modern Italy.

Page 59:
These corporations were gradually built up, with far more propaganda than action, into a Corporative State which, Mussolini claimed, was going to play in the twentieth century the part that democracy hadd played in the nineteenth.

Here is the latest discovery in the recent 2,300 hundred page financial reform bill passed before anyone really knew what it said or how to interpret it and Obambi said we didn't know how it would work until we got it into place.

The SEC is now exempted from having to follow FOIE guidelines, in other words as the Federal Reserve has been able to operate in secret for the last century, now the leading financial institutions that are propped up by the fed but whose profits are guaranteed by the taxpayer, will now be able to opperate in secret also while the individual citizen and the small business operator has his finances, both business and personal, opened up to federal snoops who can scrutinize every last dime that is transferred and we are supposed to believe this power won't be used in ways that are polictically expedient to certain groups.

page 60:
As time went on, however, people came to acquiesce in the Fascist State. Some, indeed, felt genuine enthusiasm for Mussolini's efforts to make Italy strong.

The more perceptive realized that Fascism meant the strangling of independent thought and bided their time in jobs where they could evade active participation in the State and might even put in an occasional covert word for more libertarian methods: such was the attitude of a number of writers, journalists, and university professors.

Some industrialists and business men were genuinely disappointed when they found that Fascism was taking a very different turn from what they had envisaged when they first lent it their support: but they were the favoured of Fascism, which still needed them; and in the world economic crisis of the early nineteen-thirties they needed the State's practical aid.

For the ordinary citizen with a livelihood to earn and a family to keep, there was no possibility of survival outside the framework of the State; he might grumble at it's petty tyranny or feel cynical about the sycophantic cult surrounding it's Dictator, but if he dept quiet it need not disrurb him overmuch, and anyway he had no choice.

Does this in anyway resemble what is going on in America, especially in the accelerated way it is happening in the last 18 months??
I have said for some time that Obama was not a "socialist" but rather a fascist. I know the word has some aggravated connotations... but when you look at his vision for the role of gov't it is very, very much in line with fascism.

Of course that shouldn't be all that surprising. The early Progressive movement was enamoured with the ideals of fascism... mostly the economic ones but also the "we can help evolution along ones".

If black folks knew the real history of liberalism and progressivism... I wonder if it would change their votes? The Tuskegee Experiments and eugenics broadly were the spawn of the Progressive movement.
Just examine the history of fascism and marxism/leninism. They use the lower classes, less educated, etc. to achieve their means. Once in power Hitler and Stalin both began purging the ones that rabidly gave them power. Going back to Lenin, the actual 'soldiers' of the cause - the poor downtrodden illiterates who were actually in the trenches fighting were the first to be 'purged'. See the same result in Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

While not completely comparable we look at what the far left is doing in this country. Who do they use to vote them in power? Do you honestly think the 'students' of Marx, Lenin, Guevara, Mao, etc. care about those poor and lower classes? Look at the liberals in office now. How many times have you seen a Kennedy, a Reid, a Pelosi, a Frank, Weiner, etc. all in an inner city housing project - even beyond a five minute photo op? How many have been to a trailer park? Or some shack in rural America?
Getting a little kooky there, sjt18, if you are drawing a connection between eugenics and modern American liberalism. It's no different than the kooks that call American conservatives "Nazis" and "fascists." It's just vague categorizing and labeling. Empty rhetoric. Why don't you just call them "racists" too?
Nothing kooky. Study the tenets of those espousing eugenics. Planned Parenthood is more or less the political embodiment of the eugenics movement. I had liberal professors in college come flat out telling me population control, abortions, and birth control being free and readily available is one of their standards in modern liberalism.
Getting a little kooky there, sjt18, if you are drawing a connection between eugenics and modern American liberalism. It's no different than the kooks that call American conservatives "Nazis" and "fascists." It's just vague categorizing and labeling. Empty rhetoric.

There IS a link between eugenics and modern liberalism. Today's liberals are descendants of the "Progressives" of the early 20th century. They believed FULLY in social engineering. The label took a hit in the WW2 era because many within the movement praised fascism.

Why don't you just call them "racists" too?
I have and they are. The whole notion that blacks cannot function as free and independent individuals is racist. The ideal that they cannot succeed unless gov't steps in and makes it happen is racist.

As for empty rhetoric, I may speak facetiously once in awhile. For instance I once said that one of the few methods that would work to stop illegal immigration was snipers on towers. I said it to demonstrate that going after employers would be much more favorable... but someone thought I was serious.

But by and large, I measure my words, think about what I am saying, and have some source of evidence outside just some contrived opinion. I am not a reckless person who often speaks off the cuff without reasoning out my position looking for holes in it that cannot be explained.

The link between early liberal/progressive icons can be proven by just about anyone who is interested. T Roosevelt is a well known example. The well educated and politically powerful of that day were almost all progressives... both parties, all areas of the country. The US did not have a conservative "party" again until Goldwater's speech.

And before you say something like that was way in the past... one of Obama's appointees to a cabinet position has written in support of population controls. This isn't something the modern left likes to talk about openly but it is still very much a part of their conscience.
That was well done, but nothing groundbreaking.

The best modern conservative thinker (who has a national voice) is George Will, who accepted the mantle from Buckley.

I agree. Will is thoughtful and measured. Not partisan -- just a solid intellectual conservative.

Sadly, the fact that he won't make it about party politics or bad-mouthing his opponents or using scare tactics and falisified videos or facts is why he will never be listened to by most of the rabid right.
Wow....did you just ignore every liberal during 8 years of Bush? Seriously you act as if the right as idiocy, scare tactics, and trash talking cornered on the market. Are you in denial of what goes on the Left? I mean the fact that every loon on the left singlehandedly blamed Fox News for firing Sherrod shows how out of touch the left was. The lady was fired before Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, etc. even touched it but somehow they were blamed for the Obama Administration firing the woman...
Getting a little kooky there, sjt18, if you are drawing a connection between eugenics and modern American liberalism. It's no different than the kooks that call American conservatives "Nazis" and "fascists." It's just vague categorizing and labeling. Empty rhetoric. Why don't you just call them "racists" too?

There is nothing vague and no empty rhetoric.

There is a direct line of connections from Margaret Sanger right up into today.

Why has the Obama administration spent $23m in taxpayer funds promoting a new constitution in Kenya that promotes legalized abortion on a widescale and has prommised billions in foreign aid if the pass the new constitution that also promotes islamic sharia law??

Calling conservaties nazis or fascists is pure bs propaganda with no basis in truth.

Everything sjt posted is absolute irrefutable fact.
The really ironic thing about the left calling conservatives nazis and fascists is that their ideals align fairly close with the fascist model and especially on matters of economics. It is not incidental. The early progressives had roots in European materialistic philosophy just like fascism. They drew ideas from the same groups of intellectuals.

Think about it:
- The fascists believed in state control of all media and education so that the people could get the proper version of the truth... the one that supported the state's control. So did Progressives... The Dems have howled over FoxNews and have privately speculated about cutting off their FCC license. Remember the fairness doctrine? How about their ideas about censoring the internet... not for porn but for political speech? IIRC, they granted the POTUS the power to shut down net servers in a "national emergency" ostensibly to keep terrorists from communicating with each other. That power is ripe for abuse.

- There is virtually no difference between fascist economic ideals and liberal/progressive ideals. They allowed private ownership per se but it was subject to political favor. Taxes were heavy. Regulations were deep and broad. Production decisions were made from by a central planning agency. Capital and markets were state controlled. The state owned interest in companies. Labor unions supported both Mussolini and Hitler IIRC. Agriculture was strictly controlled and centrally planned.

- The left like the fascists (Nazi version) divide by race and class and favor some as political groups over others. Rights are not absolute and do not belong to individuals. Rights belong to groups and are determined by the state.

- At the bottom line, all social and economic activity must be engineered to achieve the goals of the state. All rights are subject to arbitrary suspension or revoke by bureaucrats or jurists- the antithesis of the conservative American ideal of the sovereignty of the individual.

- The political class is seen as elite, not subject to common law, and empowered to rule over the people. They resent or even suppress those who question them.

- They demonize or scapegoat people then use this "evil" to unite disparate groups who otherwise would have no reason to support each other.

You could probably add a great deal more. Conservatives who believe in the maximum rights and liberties as outlined in our Constitution have nothing in common with fascism.
One of George Will's best quotes is about his disdain for football. His sport is baseball.

"Football combines the two worst things about America: it is violence punctuated by committee meetings."
One of George Will's best quotes is about his disdain for football. His sport is baseball.

"Football combines the two worst things about America: it is violence punctuated by committee meetings."

I guess George likes masks and bats?

Just another reason to no like Will, I much prefer football, baseball is sooo boring.

BTW, Sarah is right,


no cajones!!
Please stop. You're making me miss him again.

Reagan is famous for his statement in Berlin; "Mr. Gorbechev, tear down this wall."

After the Soviets did indeed tear down the wall and the Soviet Union broke up into seperate countries, a Russian General who was known as; 'the general of death' because of his harsh way fo dealing with the people, in particular he would personally execute on the spot anyone he found to be confessing Christ as his Savior.

One day while touring in a large helicopter the aricraft crashed and everyone but him was killed, he was knocked out for a brief time and when he awoke and found everyone dead he exclaimed "Boizha moi" (my God) and began to believe that God had a purpose for even him and began to read about Jesus in the Bible.

He decided that everyone in the Russian military should have a copy of the Good Book and volunteers from middle Tennessee went to Russia, taking some small printing presses with them and printed millions of Russian language New Testaments which were passed out to everyone in the military who wanted a copy plus some other state run institutions such as orphanages etc.
I have said for some time that Obama was not a "socialist" but rather a fascist. I know the word has some aggravated connotations... but when you look at his vision for the role of gov't it is very, very much in line with fascism.

Of course that shouldn't be all that surprising. The early Progressive movement was enamoured with the ideals of fascism... mostly the economic ones but also the "we can help evolution along ones".

If black folks knew the real history of liberalism and progressivism... I wonder if it would change their votes? The Tuskegee Experiments and eugenics broadly were the spawn of the Progressive movement.

Well fascists are socialists also.

American Thinker: Barack Obama, the Quintessential Liberal Fascist

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