The Gruden mob mentality...



Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2009
Wow: I'd like to see somebody deconstruct that 96-hour bullsh*t frenzy that we just went through with Gruden. A case study in the mob mentality. A couple of guys talk to boosters, or people who know boosters, get encouraging information, and somehow make the leap to "deal done," which then creates a firestorm of anticipation that in end was embarrassing. I nearly got carpal tunnel from reading so many breathless posts. People wanted it to be Gruden so bad that it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. And then when serious doubts began to surface, a few even doubled down on Gruden, telling everyone to "relax," it's definitely done! So the rumor/board "insider"channel of bad information would be interesting to plumb, now that it's all over.

And, of course, who doesn't want to get some truthful information about what really went down--there are too many questions to even list. But it would be hard to get the truth even if you talked to Gruden and Hart themselves as each side will have its own spin.
Everyone that was in on this is so FOS. Can't believe I bought in.
Some people will believe anything, like the "birthers".

Those fools who bought Gruden as our couch should be called Gruders.
Haven't you seen? Some still haven't given up. It's all just a smokescreen, you know?
My client respects the passion of all Vol fans, even the fringe elements.

He is very happy to be a part of the ESPN family of networks however.
I said earlier i think some of them might really hurt themselves when another coach is named. I wanted gruden, but i'm not obsessed, some of them i'm really worried about
You can call me a Grudenite since I was "All-In" on the madness. Even now I'd be thrilled to get "a" Gruden.
I'm not sure if he'd be that good of a college coach but he'd be a rock star in almost every other sense.


Tomorrow I may be a:

Strong-Man or a...

part of the Mora-Majority or a...

Butch Davis backer. I know it won't be Dooley.
Hart did the right thing, way too much risk for the reward. Fans may want it but as an AD it makes little sense to bring in a guy who is 3 years out of the pro game, 20 out of college football, want's largest salary and assistant salaries in NCAA, wants carte blanche control over football operations, and someone who will instantly become most powerful person in state if hired. Add into that the fact that in 3-5 years he'll probably blow out of town and how is it worth it? Just don't see it as a good long term decision, look at what Gruden's superbowl winning DC Monte Kiffin has done in the college game, never could adjust at UT or USC.
Actually, I am not sure that Hart is talking to Gruden, Stoops, Fisher, Patterson or any of the Big Time coaches. Instead he is in constant communication with their agents. If any of them are seriously interested, Hart will actually talk to the coaches in my opinion.

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