i can see why it's not getting good reviews. it's a little herky jerky with the plot, and all the "look back" scenes etc....and it's a little ecclectic at times, like it's trying to be something it's not, and then, it goes back to being a sleuth story.....and then it tries to be a comedy....but it's really a human insterest/human rights story.....so it comes off with no real identity. and the've done little to nothing to develop some of the characters in the "group". aside from pacino's character, the dead grandma, the kid and the older couple, you don't really have a ton of backstory for who they are, why they're in and how they got in. and how they introduced the characters was a little campy to begin with....
there's a lot more you could do with the overall story...how did hoffman get started? how did he recruit team members, what motivated them to get involved? you only get that for one guy in this....the kid.
at the end of the day....i like the story line, and most of the characters, and that'll get me thru.....it's not as good as i thought it'd be...but i like it none the less. like i said, it's solid. like that there's some truths to it to base it off of....