The Impeachment Thread

No, it hasn’t.

How about we report you to the Hall County School Board for gross stupidity? Should we be protected while you’re investigated and fired? I’d find it funny because you would deserve it (if you’re as dumb in real life as you are on here, parents should be outraged that you’re allowed within 100 miles of a school), but you’d want the whistleblower to vouch for his complaint.

Let’s see you spin this on one of your BS continuums.
Sure it has. How blind can one selectively be? Evidently totally.
Now on to your hypothetical:
First, Hall County would tell you to file your complaint with the correct district.
Second, they would immediately warn the appropriate district that a raving lunatic with anger management issues was on the way to file what would almost assuredly be a bogus complaint.
Third, should the investigation prompted by the single whistle blower be substantiated by every other person interviewed and all available documentation
and fourth, should I refuse to allow witnesses on my behalf and also refuse to provide any requested documentation that could possibly refute the accusations................
..............Then I would fully expect to rightfully get fired on the spot.

On the continuum of challenging hypotheticals, I score yous at a 4.3% Talk about dumb..... SMDH
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Sure it has. How blind can one selectively be? Evidently totally.
Now on to your hypothetical:
First, Hall County would tell you to file your complaint with the correct district.
Second, they would immediately warn the appropriate district that a raving lunatic with anger management issues was on the way to file what would almost assuredly be a bogus complaint.
Third, should the investigation prompted by the single whistle blower be substantiated by every other person interviewed and all available documentation
and fourth, should I refuse to allow witnesses on my behalf and also refuse to provide any requested documentation that could possibly refute the accusations................
..............Then I would fully expect to rightfully get fired on the spot.

On the continuum of challenging hypotheticals, I score yous at a 4.3% Talk about dumb..... SMDH

If your posts were pictures......

That's what I thought.

And we certainly don't want Bolton to testify with his non-facts either.
I could care less. It's all theater. He isn't getting impeached. The guilty needs this impeachment to continue. It's their two pair to President Trump's 5 aces.

Call Bolton. Then Hunter will get called.
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Do you expect the House to do that for you too? I am curious how much Starr gave to Nadler.

You do understand that is the house’s job right?

This is what I’m talking about, you bring nothing, but ignorance and an unwillingness to learn.

I’m sure you are a great csr.
You do understand that is the house’s job right?

This is what I’m talking about, you bring nothing, but ignorance and an unwillingness to learn.

I’m sure you are a great csr.
The houses job is to investigate how much Starr gave to Nadler? News to me. I don't know where I would be without your unmatched wisdom and lack of humor. You're the jelly of the month club.

If we had wanted a President that would be brought to heel like what Nadler says.....Lol....we would've voted Romney....
Romney would make the Democrats really happy in being the Dems puppet.
The President doesn't serve at the will of Congress stupid fat little turd.
The real & only danger to this Country is the Democratic party.

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Its a dam shame that the legal beagles, LG, Mick, EL won't let their snowblower (Luthie) testify. Time is running out guys... get er done.
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