I haven't seen any of the "Pirates" films other than the first one on TV so I was going to wait for this one on Blu-ray but I think I may go see it since I got a free movie money ticket from Disney Movie Rewards when I picked up "Oz" on Blu-ray the other day.
A lot of people online in other movie forums are predicting this will be a flop but since it hits on 4th of July weekend I think it will do pretty good.
The first pirates movie is great. The rest aren't very good at all.
I'll admit the show when it was on tv was way before my time, and unlike most old westerns I don't ever see this as reruns. The trailers and previews make it seem this is more the Tonto show than the lone ranger. I was always under the impression Tonto was just a sidekick, but they make it look like Depp is going to be the center of the show, and the lone ranger is the sidekick.
You must be pretty young to not understand and know about the Lone Ranger.
Hollywood casts based on box office appeal of actors rather than their ability to portray a part.
Depp is no Lone Ranger.