The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

CNN and definitely Wendy Williams are worse than project veritas.

What Donald Trump can be seen and heard saying in the video ... is what can plainly be seen and heard. You don't have to trust anyone or anything. You just have to watch and listen to the video from the 1:10 to the 1:35 minute mark.
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CNN is experiencing their worst audiences in their history and has huge talent and credibility issues.

Wendy Williams has been in and out of mental hospitals and no longer has a show.

Howard Stern was one of the last people out the house for fear of Covid.
NONE of this matters.

You don't have to trust anyone or anything. You just have to watch and listen to the video from the 1:10 to the 1:35 minute mark. It's clearly Donald Trump speaking ... and it's his own words that are creepy.

You guys have such a cultish devotion to Donald Trump, that you are seriously trying to talk yourselves out of believing that which can plainly be seen and heard in a damn video!

This is the epitome of cult-like behavior.
NONE of this matters.

You don't have to trust anyone or anything. You just have to watch and listen to the video from the 1:10 to the 1:35 minute mark. It's clearly Donald Trump speaking ... and it's his own words that are creepy.

You guys have such a cultish devotion to Donald Trump, that you are seriously trying to talk yourselves out of believing that which can plainly be seen and heard in a damn video!

This is the epitome of cult-like behavior.
Says the cult leader
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Thinking that you can discredit that which can be seen and heard in a video, by attacking the credibility of the network airing the video, and a person asking the questions, is one of the dumbest and most cultish actions I've seen on here.

The right-wing echo chamber on here is "The Cult of Trump."

Defending Trump at all cost, is of such importance to you, that you are trying to discredit words that he spoke himself in a damn video. This is a unique level of pathetic behavior ... even for this place.
NONE of this matters.

You don't have to trust anyone or anything. You just have to watch and listen to the video from the 1:10 to the 1:35 minute mark. It's clearly Donald Trump speaking ... and it's his own words that are creepy.

You guys have such a cultish devotion to Donald Trump, that you are seriously trying to talk yourselves out of believing that which can plainly be seen and heard in a damn video!

This is the epitome of cult-like behavior.
How many of these posters joined the dogpile about the three ring binder?
"No puppet. No puppet. You're the puppet."


Please tell me how CNN, Howard Stern and Wendy Williams are to blame for what Trump can be seen and heard saying on a video. You are members of a cult.
Where did I say anything about those 3, cult leader?
Thinking that you can discredit that which can be seen and heard in a video, by attacking the credibility of the network airing the video, and a person asking the questions, is one of the dumbest and most cultish actions I've seen on here.

The right-wing echo chamber on here is "The Cult of Trump."

Defending Trump at all cost, is of such importance to you, that you are trying to discredit words that he spoke himself in a damn video. This is a unique level of pathetic behavior ... even for this place.

Come down off the ledge, sir, before it's too late.
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What Donald Trump be seen and heard saying in the video ... is what can plainly be seen and heard. You don't have to trust anyone or anything. You just have to watch and listen to the video from the 1:10 to the 1:35 minute mark.

You know what hurts worse than having to write in your diary about being molested by your dad in the shower?……………….words.
Thinking that you can discredit that which can be seen and heard in a video, by attacking the credibility of the network airing the video, and a person asking the questions, is one of the dumbest and most cultish actions I've seen on here.

The right-wing echo chamber on here is "The Cult of Trump."

Defending Trump at all cost, is of such importance to you, that you are trying to discredit words that he spoke himself in a damn video. This is a unique level of pathetic behavior ... even for this place.

I'm curious...

Was that interview on The View before they hated him?

And you need to learn his sarcasm.
I'm curious...

Was that interview on The View before they hated him?

And you need to learn his sarcasm.
The interview I'm focusing on, wasn't on The View. It was on the Wendy Williams show. You obviously still haven't watched it. I'm not surprised.

Trump frequently makes bizarre comments about his daughter's body. Whether joking or not, it is weird. Even in jest, I can't imagine feeling flattered when someone calls my daughter "a piece of a$$," which Trump seemed to be with Howard Stern.

... much less mentioning sex as something that I have in common with my daughter.

There is no extreme that The Cult of Trump won't go to in order to defend him. It's crazy.
Thinking that you can discredit that which can be seen and heard in a video, by attacking the credibility of the network airing the video, and a person asking the questions, is one of the dumbest and most cultish actions I've seen on here.

The right-wing echo chamber on here is "The Cult of Trump."

Defending Trump at all cost, is of such importance to you, that you are trying to discredit words that he spoke himself in a damn video. This is a unique level of pathetic behavior ... even for this place.
Idk man that video looks like an AI fake....could easily be a voiceover....and rich Democrats donor could pay for a good fake..Howard Stern could easily...... See that is how ridiculous your diary argument sounds.
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Idk man that video looks like an AI fake....could easily be a voiceover....and rich Democrats donor could pay for a good fake..Howard Stern could easily...... See that is how ridiculous your diary argument sounds.
Yeah ... because that is exactly the same thing as forging a diary entry in a book that we have still never seen the front cover of.
Bowl is incapable of understanding that he's exactly the same as those he mocks
IMO, the quality of responses he’s getting now are pretty much on par with the three ring binder thing.

Somebody nailed it in that thread: some people can’t admit something but can’t let it go, either. And then somebody else nailed it again saying “that’s every thread.”

But there won’t be the same dogpile in here. If anything he’ll probably get dogpiled again. Some of it may be trolling, some of it may be earned interest from past discussions, some of it may be earned by the end of the day. But if we were being consistent, then the people ducking and weaving around this video would get laughed at.

It just makes for an interesting forum dynamic. You have to be willing to concede that calling a black man an Uncle Tom is racist and you have to know a 3 ring binder when you see one, you have to know that a guy talking about what a piece of ass his daughter is is gross, but there’s no sense in letting your opinion get swayed by the majority because more than half of the the time they’re wrong and can’t admit it.
Always the angle. Slick.

The angle is called context.

Going to a politician's rally, dressed in his merch, waving flags of him riding velociraptors and shooting machine guns is distinctly different from protesting social injustice.

Frankly, that you don't pick up on this or call it an "angle" is telling and defines why you don't even realize you're in a cult.

10 Signs You’re Probably In a Cult

Cults aren’t as easy to spot as you might think. Most cults don’t wear robes or live in communes. In fact, most cult members don’t even realize they’re in a cult.

During my 25 years as an unwitting cult member, I would often watch documentaries and read about other cults. As I researched, I noticed 10 specific patterns that helped me recognize that I myself was in a cult:

1. The leader is the ultimate authority
If you’re not allowed to criticize your leader, even if the criticism is true, you’re probably in a cult.

Cults begin with a charismatic leader who claims some supreme knowledge. They may call themselves a prophet, messiah, messenger, or an enlightened teacher. They can also be CEOs, military officials, politicians, and self-help gurus.

Cult leaders convince members to forfeit their critical thinking ability in return for a sense of belonging, authority, and purpose. To members, it doesn’t matter what the evidence or logic may suggest, the leader is always right, and their misdeeds are always justified. Criticism of the leader is forbidden.

2. The group suppresses skepticism
If you’re only allowed to study your organization through approved sources, you’re probably in a cult.

Cults view critical thinking as an infectious disease and every effort is made to suppress it. Doubting members are encouraged to isolate themselves from outside influences and focus solely on the doctrine of the cult.

Criticism is forbidden. People who contradict the group are viewed as persecutors and are often given labels like “anti,” “apostate,” or “suppressive person.” Members are discouraged from consuming any material that is critical of the group.

3. The group delegitimizes former members
If you can’t think of a legitimate reason for leaving your group, you’re probably in a cult.

Because the cult considers itself the ultimate authority on truth, it can’t imagine anybody leaving it with their integrity intact. Thus, it has to perpetuate a false narrative that former members were deceived, proud, immoral, or lazy.

If former members speak out, they are dismissed as bitter, angry, dishonest or evil. Cults often impose some kind of shunning to shame former members and prevent them from infecting other members with the truth.

4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
If your group insists the end of the world is near, you’re probably in a cult.

Cults position themselves as the sole refuge from an evil outside world that is intent on their destruction. Cults thrive on conspiracy theories, catastrophic thinking, and persecution complexes.

In an effort to draw in more paying members, cults are often very aggressive in their recruitment efforts which are usually justified as “saving” people from the evil world. Those who reject the cult’s message are unelect, prideful, evil, or stupid.

5. The group relies on shame cycles
If you need your group in order to feel worthy, loved, or sufficient, you’re probably in a cult.

Cult leaders trap members in shame cycles by imposing abnormally strict codes of conduct (usually prescriptions about diet, appearance, sex, relationships, media), guilting members for their shortcomings, and then positioning themselves as the unique remedy to the feelings of guilt which they themselves created.

Cult members are made to believe they are insufficient or unworthy on their own and that the only way to become worthy is to confess their shortcomings to the group or leader. The leader then becomes the meditiator of worthiness and the foundation of the member’s self esteem.

Leaders who can make followers feel bad about anything can use shame to manipulate followers into doing anything, even if it’s against their own self-interest or better judgment.

6. The leader is above the law
If you’re held to a different moral standard, specifically in regard to sex, you’re probably in a cult.

A prevalent idea among cult leaders is that they are above the law, be it human or divine. This idea allows them to exploit their followers economically and sexually without repercussions.

When confronted, they do not confess, but create justifications for their impropriety. Sexual grooming of members is common. Loyal cult members will perform any amount of “mental gymnastics” to justify or ignore the leader’s behavior.

7. The group uses “thought reform” methods
If your serious questions are answered with cliches, you’re probably in a cult.

Indoctrination or “brainwashing” is the process through which a cult slowly breaks down a person’s sense of identity and ability to think rationally. Behaviors like excessive fasting, prayer, hypnosis, scripture reading, chanting, meditation, or drug usage can all be used to increase a person’s vulnerability to the leader’s suggestions.

The hallmark of indoctrination is the use of thought-terminating cliches. Platitudes like “follow the leader” or “doubt your doubts” are regurgitated over and over so that members don’t have to critically analyze complex issues.

8. The group is elitist
If your group is the solution for all the world’s problems, you’re probably in a cult.

Cults see themselves as the enlightened, chosen, and elect organization tasked with radically transforming individual lives and the entire world.

This elitism creates greater sense of group unity and responsibility centered on a united purpose. However, this sense of responsibility is often manipulated by cult leaders who coerce members into risky financial behavior, sexual favors, free manual labor, or heightened recruitment efforts in order to “further the cause.”

9. There is no financial transparency
If you’re not allowed to know what the group does with their money, you’re probably in a cult.

A group that refuses to disclose its finances is a huge red flag. Ethical organizations have nothing to hide. Cult leaders tend to live opulently while their followers are required to make financial sacrifices. Members are often encouraged to pay their offerings even if it means putting their families at risk.

10. The group performs secret rites
If there are secret teachings or ceremonies you didn’t discover until after you joined, you’re probably in a cult.

Cults use secret rituals as rites of passage that solidify a member’s loyalty to the group. Initiation into these rites usually only comes after a member has undergone certain tests or made adequate financial contributions.

Often, cult initiations are confusing, bizarre, or even offensive. This mental dissonance between their sense of confusion and their loyalty to the “inner circle” convinces the initiate to double their efforts in order to properly appreciate the proceedings. This only further entrenches them in a shame cycle, making them even more susceptible to manipulation.
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Yeah ... because that is exactly the same thing as forging a diary entry in a book that we have still never seen the front cover of.
Yea my mine is more believable and considering AI fakes are on tik, insta, YouTube shorts, DeSantis had a AI fake pic of Trump and Faccui hugging...those wre proof...of AI do i believe trump said that stuff.. hell yeah he is a terrible human being. But your believing a blue anon conspiracy that noone but yourself believes
"No puppet. No puppet. You're the puppet."


Please tell me how CNN, Howard Stern and Wendy Williams are to blame for what Trump can be seen and heard saying on a video. You are members of a cult.
The cult has to blame someone other than their leader. One day he'll pass away and I'm sure things will become a little more normal
Yea my mine is more believable and considering AI fakes are on tik, insta, YouTube shorts, DeSantis had a AI fake pic of Trump and Faccui hugging...those wre proof...of AI do i believe trump said that stuff.. hell yeah he is a terrible human being. But your believing a blue anon conspiracy that noone but yourself believes
Right ... It's not like Project Veritas has been caught tampering with evidence in the past or bribing witnesses ... or like that felony-convicted couple had any reason to forge an entry, if the diary didn't contain any passages which were damaging to Joe Biden. I mean, it's not as though that couple first tried selling the diary at a Trump fundraiser or anything ...
The angle is called context.

Going to a politician's rally, dressed in his merch, waving flags of him riding velociraptors and shooting machine guns is distinctly different from protesting social injustice.

Frankly, that you don't pick up on this or call it an "angle" is telling and defines why you don't even realize you're in a cult.
The guy from the daily show that goes to Trump rallies has shown the best and brightest of the MAGA Cult. Saw one of his videos in June and these people were complaining about how the LBGTQ community just throws it in their face. He says you mean like wearing shirts, hats, waving flags?? oh They jumped right on that bait all while wearing their cult shirts, hats and Trump flags waving in the background. Too stupid to realize what theyre doing

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