The media, Obama and the current crisis.

I for one hope that Al Jazeera gets on cable here in the US. Israel is treating Palestinians terribly, not enough people in the US know it because Israel is untouchable here.

You would. :cray:

Al-Jazeera's Dirty Little Secret - March 14, 2007 - The New York Sun

Read what all the islamic reformers have to say about al-jazeera.

One of the most prolific Arab scholars and columnists, Mamoun Fandy, wrote in the London-based Arabic daily Asharq Al-Awsat about the movement's relationship with Al-Jazeera on January 22. "The Muslim Brotherhood has at its disposal media that transcends borders, from newspapers to satellite channels, which have taken over the minds of millions … throughout the entire Arab world," he wrote.

Calling Al-Jazeera "the Muslim Brotherhood channel," Mr. Fandy discussed the network's activity in the Middle East. "Al-Jazeera … is already propagandizing for the organization. … If you watch a debate program presented on Al-Jazeera … you will be amazed at the supreme effort … to defend the Muslim Brotherhood."

If you think for one second that the muslim brotherhood is in any way your friend then you are even more deslusional than I have previously thought.

As for the Israelies and the Palistinians, the Isrealies have shown great restraint against some people who want to kill all Israelies.

The Israelies forcibly removed their own settlers from Gaza in exchange for the cessation of rocked attacks. How long was if before they began the rocket attacks again??

Three freaking days.

And in case you didn't know it Gaza is part of the sovereign territory of the nation of Israel.

Attacks began in 2001. Since then, more than 8,600 rockets have hit southern Israel, nearly 6,000 of them since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in August 2005. The range of the rockets has increased over time. The original Qassam rocket has a range of about 10 km (6 miles) but more advanced rockets, including versions of the old Soviet Grad or Katyusha have hit Israeli targets 40 km (25 miles) from Gaza.[1]

Some analysts see the attacks as a shift away from reliance on suicide bombing, which was previously Hamas’s main method of attacking Israel, and an adoption of the rocket tactics used by Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Two premature Palestinian babies, admitted to the Barzilai Medical Center’s NICU unit, were among the civilian targets of Iranian Grad rockets launched by Hamas at Ashkelon. Their mother Beit Lahiya was told by Palestinians doctors in Gaza that two embryos out of the four she carried died in her womb, and if she wants to save two other babies, she had to go to Israel. Israeli official granted her entrance in 24 hours after it was requested. She gave the birth to a boy and a girl in Barzilai Medical Center on February 25, 2008. On the second day after the birth, Grad rocket hit the hospital ground only 200 meters away from Palestinian mother and her new born twins.

Khaled Jaabari, Gaza commander of the al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades, said that the group uses Google Earth to determine targets. Rocket fire is often timed for the early morning when children head to school.

In March 2009, Sderot inaugurated a reinforced children’s recreation center built by the Jewish National Fund. The purpose of the center, which has “$1.5 million worth of reinforced steel”, is to provide a rocket-proof place for children to play.

Real nice people those Palestinians, so oppressed.

You want to know oppressed, consider the life of a Christian Arab that lives in territory controled by the moslems.

You are the most fos poster I have yet to run accross.

Brigitte Gabriel: Because they hate.

The above is written by a girl who spend six years of her life living in a cellar to survive moslem attacks from Palestinians.

Cry me a feaking river, you won't get one drop of sympathy from me. :nono:
I for one hope that Al Jazeera gets on cable here in the US. Israel is treating Palestinians terribly, not enough people in the US know it because Israel is untouchable here.

They are already in the US I thought... :unsure:
Because there are no 6 year old girls in Palestine.

A picture is worth a thousand words...

I fail to see how that disproves the existence of innocents in Palestine.

It attacks the credibility of the people making the charges. How can we trust people to tell us the truth about Israeli atrocities when they are known to use women and children as human shields?
I for one hope that Al Jazeera gets on cable here in the US. Israel is treating Palestinians terribly, not enough people in the US know it because Israel is untouchable here.

Seems like you'd have to swallow a ton of crap to get this one truth you are seeking.
It attacks the credibility of the people making the charges. How can we trust people to tell us the truth about Israeli atrocities when they are known to use women and children as human shields?

A ten point plan for reform in the middle east:


Call for a halt to the massive Islamic apartheid oppression of non-Muslims in the Middle East, including such groups as the Coptic Christians in Egypt (the very indigenous, natives of that ancient land, who have been oppressed by the Arab invaders), Christians under Hamas-tan, even under "Moderate" Fatah, or any non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia (prohibition of any non-Islamic practice in S. Arabia, the banning of Jews' entry into some Arab countries), for starters.

why is it that out of the entire Middle East, Israel is the only country where Christian Arabs flourish, whereas in virtually all Arab countries, that community dwindles down so very quickly?


Stop apologizing for and sugarcoating the 'Muslim Brotherhood' who since its foundation (and later on with its founder: al-Banna's fascination with Hitler) was defined as clearly FASCIST, and have inspired the emerging of many Jihadi terror systems, resulting in massive crimes-against-humanity. Stress their written goal of creating the 'Caliphate' - The vision of global oppressive Islamic empire under Sharia law. Cease to enable the MB in America and point out that their plan is the destruction of the USA.


Free all non-Arabs from discrimination and humiliation in the racist Arab world, like: Blacks (including suffering Africans in Lybia, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan) Berbers, Kurds, al-Akhdam, etc.

In fact, toppling Syria's dictatorship would be even more of a wonder than Egypt's, that 'PRISON LIKE' tightly closed state, where Kurds as a major non-Arab minority are crushed under racist 'Syrian Arab Republic.'


While on Syria... the very regime that -- together with the Islamic Oppressive Mullahcracy of Iran' is pushing its long arms, the terrorizing Hezbollah anti-Christian, anti-Semitic thugs to be included in the Lebanese government. Sadly, the anti-Hezbollah pro-freedom pro-western protests (after a long brutal bloody history of Muslims, including "Palestinian" Muslims committing atrocities on Christians) in Lebanon, have had very little coverage in mainstream media.


Tell Arab Palestinians to stop playing victim, stop playing with civilians lives' in order to "win" sympathy --just like their terrorist-Hezbollah buddies do in Lebanon-- and to get serious about peace, or their aid stops now.

The same self-destructive culture that in 1948 followed militant leaders to evacuate the land, to clear the way for Arabs' genocide of Jews, the same twisted mentality that keeps electing hellish leaders, again and again, the same cult which indoctrinates its kids into the 'death cult.'

By the same token, the Arab media should cease inflaming their youths via graphic images of dead kids, caused mostly by Arab attackers' tactics. As well as its anti-American incitement by parading photos of the dead and wounded by anti-terror operations by the U.S. and other Western powers.

A tip to you, international (media) cameras, try to avoid broadcasting of so called "Palestinian" casualties, and see if the [real] numbers aren't dropping down... In other words, without achieving their goal of "we are victims" mantra (which greased the tires of the anti-Israel hate propaganda), Arab kids' lives can be saved, literally, a whole lot of them.

The same goes to reporting any "stories" whose "source" is Arab-Palestine, notorious for mass-fabrication, also known by the term: "Pallywood." (The Second Draft
As a whole, this sick blaming westerners for Arabs' own errors is old.


Since the pseudo 'Palestinian' card has been used again and again, falsely, it is an urgent time for:
Honesty. Truthfulness.

Start exposing the true identity of the so called "Palestinians" - 'Arab immigration into the vastly desolate land (as described by travel writers, including by: David Roberts, Charles Wilson, Alexander Keith, Mark Twain, Sir Frederick Treves Smith Elder, Constantine Francois Volney, Dean Stanley, etc.) since the 1800s' would be a good place to start. Be sure to include such testimonies as that of Sir Winston Churchill about Arab 'crowding into the land,' and that of president F.D.R., that the overall waves of Arab 'newcomers' even exceeded that of the Jews.'


Expose all bigoted Mosque sermons, as well as vile cartoons, literature and TV shows on Arab TV (Hat-Tip, search: MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute, PMW - ).


Begin demanding some participation from Gulf Arab filthy-rich states to share in feeding their poor Arab "brethren," US and others do NOT have to do it alone, any more.


Put a stop to the oppression of women, treating them like dirt (regardless of any Taquiyya spin messages, Islamic propagandists try to brainwash westerners), curb that Honor killing epidemic, reaching even the West.


Convene, organize, be inventive on how to break the global Goliath power called: Arab oil, the most powerful lobby on earth. whose claws grips the West, the United Nations, and many other international bodies to be dictated by radical Arabism.

Not that oil is the only power the Arab lobby leans on, it uses the fear in the West of 'Arab streets, terror' to extract demands, non-stop.

Nevertheless, any drop in need of Arab oil can weaken --though not totally cripple-- that Goliath, somewhat.

One of the first achievements the lobby succeeded, is creating an "undisputable" general assumption, that the Arabs --everywhere-- are automatically "victims" by default. No matter how aggressive, violent and criminal they are.
Obama?s Pal George Soros and the Fall of Egypt The Progressive Hunter

There’s a clear indication that the rioting is manufactured and White House visitor, George Soros, is involved. Despite the risk to Israel and America, Obama is anxious for Mubarak to leave and he believes the Muslim Brotherhood opposition should be represented in the coming presidential election.

Aside from Obama’s inclusion of Muslim Brotherhood members here in America, are there any other connections that bring us to Egypt with a connection to Soros? Yes, there are.

Soros and Obama have an influential, ground-engaged connection in Egypt – Saad Eddin Ibrahim.



What do you really know about Barack Hussein Obama?

Not much.

The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues | Western

Researchers have discovered that Obama’s autobiographical books are little more than PR
stunts, as they have little to do with the actual
events of his life. The fact is we know less
about President Obama than perhaps any
other president in American history
much of this is due to actual efforts to hide his
record. This should concern all Americans.
(Most likely they were ghost written by William

Over 49 separate law suits have been filed on the
eligibility/birth certificate issue alone, with several
of the suits making it all the way the United States
Supreme Court, only to be denied a full hearing.

....... it appears that his Harvard education may
have been paid for by a foreign source. Khalid Al-
Mansour, an advisor to Saudi prince Al-Walid bin Talah,
told Manhattan Borough president, Percy Sutton, that
he was raising money for Obama’s Harvard tuition.
Incidentally, Prince Tala is the largest donor to CAIR,
a Muslim group declared by the U.S. Government in
2007 as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist
financing trial. At least three of CAIR’s leaders have
been indicted for terrorist activities. Al-Mansour’s
admission opens up speculation as to whether Muslim
interests have assisted Obama’s career in the hope he
would eventually be in a position someday to promote
their interests.

(concerning Obama's selective service registration)gs is not a coincidence that every document
which contains information about his birth or
citizenship is either missing, sealed, or has been

Of all these marvels, the latest mystery and probably
most perplexing is that of Obama’s social security
number. It appears that Obama has multiple identities
in term of possessing numerous social security numbers.

The lack of documents regarding Obama also extends
to his mother and to his grandparents.

(These excerpts are from a very long article, I didn't
reproduce enough here to violate any copyright law.
The article is informative and well worth the time it
takes to read all of it.)

Obama's Social Security number goes to court

...... the Social Security number Obama has used the
most often since around 1980 was, according to Lexis
Nexis and Choice Point, initially assigned to an elderly
individual born in 1890 who resided in Connecticut.

So far, the Social Security Administration has not
responded to Taitz's second FOIA request, despite
six certified letters she has sent the agency since
Oct. 4, 2010.

Sampson, a retired senior investigator with the
Department of Homeland Security, provided in his
affidavit an expert opinion that there is no reasonable
explanation for a person residing in Hawaii to get a
Social Security number issued in Connecticut.
American Thinker Blog: Sanitizing the Mulsim Brotherhood

According to the Post, the Brotherhood is more victim than potential victimizer. It's a "fundamentalist Islamic party" that has "long been the target of various government crackdowns." ("Islamic party eyes comeback in Egypt -- Long-banned Muslim Brotherhood poised for first real stake in politics" Feb. 8, front page, by Ernesto Londono).

The Post acknowledges that the Brotherhood has long "aspired" to transform Egypt into an Islamic state. But Londono reassures Post readers that its stance is really "more moderate, reflecting the group's vow to cooperate with secular and more moderate Islamic politicians."

And who's there to corroborate the goodwill of the Brotherhood? Well, for starters, there's President Obama who played down the threat that an empowered Brotherhood could pose to U.S. interests durng an interview on Super Bowl Sunday.

The Washington Post aka Pravda on the Potomac, neglects to mention such things as the assassination of Egyptian president Sadat, attempts to assassinate Mubarak and a recent assassination attempt on the current VP nor does it mention the MB association with the nazi party, it's vehement 'destruction of Israel' screed or that a myriad of moslem terrorist groups that they have sprun off, such as al-qaeda and hamas and that the muslim brotherhood militantly advocates for a worldwide caliphate that rules all countries.

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