The new clock rules and this game.....



Junior Member
Jul 28, 2006
I know they're trying to speed up the game, but beings the coaches voted almost unanimously against it twice, they should have listened. we got the ball back with 6 minutes left and gave it back with almost 3 minutes exactly. the opposing team gets to run off 30 seconds without even running a play?

these clock rules are the worst change they've made in decades if you ask me. not just tonight, but i've noticed in alot of games how dumb it is and how it effects the flow of the game.

I know they're trying to speed up the game, but beings the coaches voted almost unanimously against it twice, they should have listened. we got the ball back with 6 minutes left and gave it back with almost 3 minutes exactly. the opposing team gets to run off 30 seconds without even running a play?

these clock rules are the worst change they've made in decades if you ask me. not just tonight, but i've noticed in alot of games how dumb it is and how it effects the flow of the game.


i just hate how the game in condensed. it's like a video game it seems with respect to the clock running.
all they have to do is not stop the clock after first downs and they'd get all of the results they want. these new rules make that clock stoppage basically meaningless anyway.
The end of the 2 minute drill as we know it. I said it earlier, I've seen a couple of close games that was over at the 4 minute mark. And like I said before my wife likes it...:whatever:
I hate it, but truith be told its probably mostly because I'm just so used to the strategy and building tension of clock management under the old rules. I miss that ...
I hate it, but truith be told its probably mostly because I'm just so used to the strategy and building tension of clock management under the old rules. I miss that ...

YES. that's a good way of putting it. now things just happen more quickly and it isn't as good.
I don't like it at all either. You're taking away opportunities for teams to come back. It will literally be the difference between who wins and who loses in a lot of games...
I'm not exactly sure what fan didn't like games with more plays. Who exactly were they trying to please with those changes?
I'm not exactly sure what fan didn't like games with more plays. Who exactly were they trying to please with those changes?

from what i've heard, they simply thought the games were getting too long. i don't think they were really trying to please anyone.
What kills me is that in televised games it only effects the last say 5 mins of the half! During the rest of the time, they take TV timeouts anyway, giving the offense and defense time to get on the field and get to the ball without the clock running, then they run the play fairly quickly after the whistle to start the clock is blown, not shortening that part of the game at all!!!
from what i've heard, they simply thought the games were getting too long. i don't think they were really trying to please anyone.
That doesn't make any sense though. Why would you want to shorten games to please no one? Are they somehow managing to have the same amount of commercials? That might make sense.

I personally hate less plays. I never saw a UT game that I thought was too long... maybe a few that were too short.
I don't like the rule but with our lack of depth it may help us to shorten games this year.
Not a fan of penalizing players for hitting a QB's helmet incidentally. That sometimes can't be avoided but its a 15 yd personal foul.
The crazy thing is that if we played football the way we have in the past(55% run/45% pass) . Florida would've never had the chance for that last drive. That is what cost us the game, not the refs, not the crowd and not the new rules.

Until we can control the line of scrimmage again. We will continue to have problems.

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