The New Domestic War on Terror


This article is way out in far right field. You’re mixing the editing/banning by a corporate entity on their platform of posters (Trump et al) who are inciting riots with flat out lies. That is not a first right amendment issue. That is a corporate issue of a business controlling it’s content pursuant to the agreements it’s posters make to post

A First Right Amendment issue is Mike Lindell slandering Dominion like that wacko lawyer. Lindell has every right to do that under the first amendment. But he also subjects himself to consequences if his statements are not true (which they are not). Mike Lindell may wind up penniless. Another 1.3 Billion dollar lawsuit in the making?

Another guy scammed by Trump

Anyone who believes the content on the link is setting themselves up for, at best disappointment, and worse if more action like 1/6/2021 continues. The battles cry’s must be driven by TRUTH not a few lies repeated thousands of times by Trump and his alt right propagandists
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This article is way out in far right field. You’re mixing the editing/banning by a corporate entity on their platform of posters (Trump et al) who are inciting riots with flat out lies. That is not a first right amendment issue. That is a corporate issue of a business controlling it’s content pursuant to the agreements it’s posters make to post

A First Right Amendment issue is Mike Lindell slandering Dominion like that wacko lawyer. Lindell has every right to do that under the first amendment. But he also subjects himself to consequences if his statements are not true (which they are not). Mike Lindell may wind up penniless. Another 1.3 Billion dollar lawsuit in the making?

Another guy scammed by Trump

Anyone who believes the content on the link is setting themselves up for, at best disappointment, and worse if more action like 1/6/2021 continues. The battles cry’s must be driven by TRUTH not a few lies repeated thousands of times by Trump and his alt right propagandists

Thanks for being the number 1 contestant on "dumbest **** I've read today" here on VN.
Anyone who, despite all this, still harbors lingering doubts that the Capitol riot is and will be the neoliberal 9/11, and that a new War on Terror is being implemented in its name,
This is such an important point. We look back on the liberty lost because of 9/11 and wonder how we could have been so gullible. 20yrs later we are right back in the same spot doing the same things. I know it's overused but the phrase is always so true, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
This is such an important point. We look back on the liberty lost because of 9/11 and wonder how we could have been so gullible. 20yrs later we are right back in the same spot doing the same things. I know it's overused but the phrase is always so true, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
Dude the internet is forever and people can't be bothered to remember screw jobs from six months ago, let alone 20 years. A lot of the rabid whackos we have wandering around today were in diapers or didn't exist when 9/11 happened. To them it's like Pearl Harbor, things have always been this way and it's ok.
This is such an important point. We look back on the liberty lost because of 9/11 and wonder how we could have been so gullible. 20yrs later we are right back in the same spot doing the same things. I know it's overused but the phrase is always so true, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"

Funny. All those mouthbreathers that like to say "we're making history!" are reminded by me we're merely repeating the same mistakes from the past.
I bet the Biden administration is sending out the Calvary to stop the actual insurrection out west...

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