The New Time-Limit Rule Change



Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2010
Is really speeding the games up and could bring out some more non-baseball fans since they don't have to sit there for 3-4 hours per game....Not to mention that we are winning right now, sure its about time for some to jump on the bandwagon. :clapping:
Something like if the pitcher hasnt thrown in 20 seconds a ball is added to the count. If a batter steps out a strike is added. Also something like 2 minutes between innings.
From NCAA ready to make pitch clock mandatory - College Baseball -

A pitcher is given a warning the first time he fails to throw a pitch by the end of the 20-second clock, and a second infraction results in an automatic ball. A hitter stepping out of the box inside five seconds of the clock striking zero would first be given a warning, and a second infraction would result in an automatic strike. For the between-inning clock, a team failing to be ready by the time the clock strikes zero would be penalized with either a ball or strike.

After going to three games so far this season, I have to say I really like the pace increase from this rule. I have yet to see any drawbacks.
There is also a 90 second clock that runs between half innings.....The team has to be on the field and ready to go before the 90 second clock expires.

Have we become such an attention deficit society that even our sports have to speed up to keep us entertained?

Not hating on the rule - I don't like forever BB games with pitchers staring down until the batter steps out to punish them.

Just interesting to me.
As an old backstop, aka catcher this would make it tough if trying to leg out a double and get thrown out for the 3rd out and trying to hustle back and get all the gear on and ready to go back behind the dish, but I would love to be able to do it again!
Blame the money for the lenght of games. Too many commericals. Who cares about a media timeout.

Um, no.

The vast majority of college baseball games had zero media influence as far as length of game. Even games on radio did not have any extra time between innings.

It was excessive time between pitches, catchers running out after nearly every pitch, batters stepping out, just a bunch of things that were dragging the game down. The pitch clock has fixed it and the games are much more pleasant now. It's good to know that you can come to a game and know it's not going to be a 4-hour affair.
As a casual baseball fan, I really enjoy this clock rule. One thing that keeps me from watching a lot of big league ball on TV is the length of the games.
From NCAA ready to make pitch clock mandatory - College Baseball -

A pitcher is given a warning the first time he fails to throw a pitch by the end of the 20-second clock, and a second infraction results in an automatic ball. A hitter stepping out of the box inside five seconds of the clock striking zero would first be given a warning, and a second infraction would result in an automatic strike. For the between-inning clock, a team failing to be ready by the time the clock strikes zero would be penalized with either a ball or strike.

After going to three games so far this season, I have to say I really like the pace increase from this rule. I have yet to see any drawbacks.
I called a slew of semi-pro wood bat, MABL games with these exact guidelines. Games rarely went longer than three hours (not counting extra innings). The 90 sec rule was the best as there was little to no way to get the sides changed in 90 degree heat with a bunch of 21-35 yo ex-studs playing for fun. :p

I see they are looking to get an additional umpire or a "field operator"...this is good idea as well. There is enough going on for baseball officials to add clock-penalty duties. :clapping:
"Florida coach Kevin O’Sullivan...“I don’t think it had much of an effect to be honest with you,” O’Sullivan said. “It sped things up between innings and really didn’t have much effect other than pushing the game along...”

Well duh ya' think? :loco: Keep in mind Kev plays home games in heat most of the year and getting that extra dugout time in between innings is important to him. So I call bulldroppings on Kev.

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