From your link:
"That there are values that transcend race or culture, that move us forward, and there's an obligation for all of us individually as well as collectively to take responsibility to make those values lived."
Barack Hussein obama
March, 2009:
"There's an energy among our people that has never been seen before, never produced by any man or organization before." --Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan on Obama worship among "his people"
Louis Farrakhan, at the annual Saviours' Day celebration in Chicago, Feb. 25, 2008:
"This young man is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better"..."If you look at Barack Obama's audiences and look at the effect of his words, those people are being transformed."
February 18, 1998
"There is not a member of the black masses in the United States who is not proud of the example set by Cuba and its revolution, with Comandante Fidel at its head," Louis Farrakhan
Excerpt from The American Thinker
Article: Obama, Black Liberation Theology, and Karl Marx
May 28, 2008
Understanding that black liberation theology is
Marxism dressed up to look like Christianity helps explain why there is no conflict between Cone's "Christianity" and Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam." They are two prophets in the same philosophical (Marxist) pod, merely using different religions as backdrops for their black-power aims.
Louis Farrakhan, at the Millions More Movement rally in DC, Oct 15, 2005: "...
what Mao Tse Tung did was, he went to the cultural community, and they [Farrakhan spreads his arms beneficently]
accepted his idea."... "Mao Tse Tung ... had a billion people whose lives he had to transform."..."the idea of Mao Tse Tung became the idea of a billion people, and China became a world power on the base of the culture and the arts community. If we had a ministry of art and culture in every city we'd create this movement [in the U.S.]."
Obama's Church: Gospel of Hate
As his applauding congregation cheered him on, the former leader of Chicagos Trinity United Church of Christ condemned the U.S. government for killing innocent people and for treating American citizens, especially blacks, as less than human.
damn America, Rev. Wright preached.
Black Liberation Theology, in short, cannot be dismissed as a minority view. Americans are thus left with the troubling knowledge that millions of their fellow citizens consider them to be devils, having been taught to think this way by their religious leaders. They must wonder, too, why they should entrust the presidency to a man who has surrounded himself with those who actively despise the very country he seeks to lead.
William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto:
Prairie Fire
William Ayers is a communist. By his own description. He was a communist then, he is a communist now, and
he was a communist for the entire time that Barack Obama worked with him and was associated with him.
Nov, 2006,
Bill Ayers in Venezuela.
Viva Presidente Chavez!!
When Ayers writes:
"The great Chilean poet Pablo Neruda wrote a poem to his fellow writers called The Poets Obligation in which he instructed them in their core responsibility: you must, he said, become aware of your sisters and brothers who are trapped in subjugation and meaninglessness, imprisoned in ignorance and despair. You must move in and out of windows carrying a vision of the vast oceans just beyond the bars of the prison a message of hope and possibility. Neruda ends with this: it is through me that freedom and the sea will call in answer to the shrouded heart."
do you think for one instant he stops to think about the hundreds of millions put to death for the sake of world communism, or the others who live in terror under it's total power of the state to dictate everything???
Caught a clue yet as to the true nature of Obama's beliefs???
The timid, civilized world has found nothing with which to oppose the onslaught of a sudden revival of barefaced barbarity, other than concessions and smiles.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn