I knew that stupid soccer stadium would cause problems. Why not let the soccer team play at the Titans stadium ? Or maybe build the soccer stadium in any of thousands of other locations ?
The whole "quality of life" BS ticks me off more than anything. Anyone that lives close to the track beaching about track noise, there's a special place reserved for them in a fiery eternity. The Fairgrounds is the 2nd oldest asphalt track in America, so anyone living close to the track knew it was there when they moved in. Forget the whole flood plain and it being right next to the junk part of town, stupid hipster douchenozzles and their gentrifying jerktails.
Another thing with the "too many events" possibility, the current promoter is limited to about 7 events a year (they used to race basically every Saturday from April-October when I was growing up). The ARCA race and the Outlaws race was scheduled by the very group that limits the regular division racing, so they at least realize there's money to be made with racing.
Also, why in the world is it even remotely okay that the Fair Board is just handing over all this land to be developed ? Seems to go against the whole referendum thing from a few years ago. Seems like more backdoor bull to get what Karl Dean attempted to do several years ago. Why some particular rich jerks apparently hate racing so much they want to shut the place down is beyond me but contributions/bribes is about the only reason I can see why so many folks on the board keep voting things through that hurt the place.
Having major NASCAR events would be awesome, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us continue to have our local events if nothing else.
Ahhhhhhhhh. I know I'm rambling and probably not making full sense. The Fairgrounds track issue is a huge deal and gets me worked up. One thing for sure, if that flippin soccer stadium causes me to lose my racing, soccer (and the fanbase of the team) will quickly jump to the top of my list of things I hate (move over Gators, Bama, and Blackhawks).
I'm probably not reading this whole thing right and just ranting like a lunatic. Going to stop now, still going to post so you all can enjoy by psychotic break.