The PacOne conference is pathetic

I expected UCLA to lose, but Cal?

I think they had a complete hangover from the BCS snub. Texas Tech is a good team, and they brought their A-game, but if Cal brings even a B game they still win easy. Instead their defense took most of the night off and the offense was streaky at best. Totally inconsistent for Cal.
Originally posted by JohnsonCityVol@Dec 31, 2004 12:31 AM
I expected UCLA to lose, but Cal?

I think they had a complete hangover from the BCS snub. Texas Tech is a good team, and they brought their A-game, but if Cal brings even a B game they still win easy. Instead their defense took most of the night off and the offense was streaky at best. Totally inconsistent for Cal.

cal is a weak team, if you saw them against southern miss you know what i mean
Originally posted by JSB2277@Dec 30, 2004 9:20 PM
pac10 elitists can blow me

I still root Pac-10.

Tonight was a bit embarassing... But Texas Tech is the better team. Many of you know how I've been calling the Big XII South the best football division in the country, and if the Northern division had even one good team, the Big XII would undoubtedly be the strongest conference in the country. This is a case of that. The Big XII South is so loaded down with good teams, some of them get ignored. Primarily due to Texas and Oklahoma. So while Cal was overrated is left to question, Texas Tech was certainly underrated.

I managed to watch the first half of the game, and was a bit confused. It was definitley not the same Cal team I have seen play all season. It seems as if the Wazzu players threw on the blue and gold today. Whatever the reason, they did not play well and Texas Tech did. Therefore, the Red Raiders get the win. Simple as that.
Originally posted by milohimself@Dec 31, 2004 2:20 AM
  PM] So while Cal was overrated is left to question, Texas Tech was certainly underrated.

I've felt that Cal was overrated all year long. They are a good team, but not as good as their ranking. Granted, they were 10-1 this year, but they didn't play anybody, other than USC who they lost to. Cal is a good team, but I agree with Craig James last night (now there's a scarry thought :eek: ), that they are a middle of the pack team in the Big 12 or the SEC.
Saying how one team would do in another conference is basically impossible... The fact that each team in college football has its onw unique dynamics, making each conference a very different place to play in, with very different styles of football abound. Teams not only shift how they play to themselves, but to other teams in the conference. So yeah... Saying how one team would do in another conference is kind of stupid. The best you can do is guess.
Originally posted by milohimself@Dec 31, 2004 10:07 AM
Saying how one team would do in another conference is basically impossible... The fact that each team in college football has its onw unique dynamics, making each conference a very different place to play in, with very different styles of football abound. Teams not only shift how they play to themselves, but to other teams in the conference. So yeah... Saying how one team would do in another conference is kind of stupid. The best you can do is guess.

Of course you are right, nevertheless, it's done all the time. People use the argument that a Boise St, Utah, ect couldn't play in a BCS confrence. Based on what I saw last night, I don't think Cal would fair very well in the SEC or the Big 12. Of course, we'll never know for sure.
Exactly right Milo - Everybody is so hung up on rating the conferences, but it's an impossible argument to prove. I don't read too much into Cal's performance. They just basically did the same thing the Vols have done in Bowls the last 2 years - play flat in a game that they didn't really want to be at in the first place.

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