yeah combine that with being a titans vols and houston cougars fan, and last season was pretty rough. At least my two college teams are looking up this season.
Also, there doesn't seem to be a clear favorite or media darling this year like the Pats were for the last few years. That makes me dislike the Pats less.
I actually took a lot of joy in watching them criple the Colts in the postseason a couple times since I have a few obnoxious Colt fans that I once called friends.
Come on man... You know the Cowboys attention from ESPN stems almost entirely from TO, who became a big story when he was in Philadelphia, and Bill Parcells who is a hero to fans of the Patriots and Giants.
seeing as how the Patriots have beaten the Steelers twice in the AFC championship game, Beaten the Panthers in the SuperBowl and the Colts in the playoffs...let's just say they are not well liked in my household.
Come on man... You know the Cowboys attention from ESPN stems almost entirely from TO, who became a big story when he was in Philadelphia, and Bill Parcells who is a hero to fans of the Patriots and Giants.
Come on man... You know the Cowboys attention from ESPN stems almost entirely from TO, who became a big story when he was in Philadelphia, and Bill Parcells who is a hero to fans of the Patriots and Giants.