The F-22 uses virtually the same oxygen system as the F-18. After spending a national fortune on R&D for the F-22, canceling it over a workable problem like that seems irrational. The USAF might be all right where it is right now, but that situation is changing by the minute. Our teen series of fighters no longer provide our pilots with qualitative superiority. They are decades old and getting older, having worked more flight hours than expected. They are 4th generation fighters designed in the 1970s, going forward into a 4.5G/5G fighter environment.
They need to be replaced, but the F-35 was not designed to replace our fighter fleet. It was designed to operate in the ground attack role with limited fighter capability, under the CAP of the F-22. The F-35's survivability in air combat with aircraft now in production by Russia and China is doubtful. F-35 lacks the required combination of fuel capacity, range, speed, maneuverability, and payload. And they use the same radar absorbing skin which causes so much downtime on the F-22, so replacing F-22 with F-35 will not solve that problem. It will exacerbate the problem because of higher loss rates in the event of air combat.
F-22 is ready for mass production now; F-35 clearly is not. It is still undergoing redesigns while its costs skyrocket, as everybody should have expected. So we cancelled a superior aircraft after paying for its development costs...because of its development costs, in order to pay development costs for an inferior aircraft. Makes no sense to me.
F-35 will be a fine aircraft, in the role it was designed to fulfill. It was not designed to be an air superiority fighter.