The State of the Big 12



Roll the dice....
Sep 14, 2007
Greetings from a very dreary College Station Texas.

Its time again to realize that the 2nd best conference in the land has a very distinct seperation from the top to the bottom. Below is my current rankings and opinons.

#1 Oklahoma- Obviously the powerhouse in Norman is going strong and Stoops has once again recruited the state of Texas well. While I do agree that the Sooners belong in the top 5 again this year, expectations of seeing them in a NCG imo are a bit too high. Tough matchups in the Red River shootout and the dark horse for the conference Texas Tech lead me to believe that this year, 2 losses are more than likely.

#2 TIE between Mizzou and Tech. Mizzou has the easist road and the highest ranking thus far in the Big 12. None of the normally ranked contenders appear on the schedule. If you find that you disagree, I'll be surprised. While they are not considered to be the strongest contenter in the B12, their record for surprising us leads back to the last few years. It all started with 2 years ago when this team first took baby steps towards being a powerhouse within the B12. Returning players are key to their success and with a very laxed schedule, look for Mizzou in the B12CG.

As for Tech, as bad as I hate to say it, I percieve only two losses this year and one of those is suspect. It's traditional for Tech to lose to someone stupid, like Neb. aTm, or B.U. I go out on a limb here and say that this year, K-state provided the upset. I know, I know, crazy as it sounds, but Tech has done something this idiotic several years now, even with that high powered pass happy O. This year their defense is much improved and by the way, that Crabtree guy is wicked fast. Again, I stand by my above statement, Tech will lose to someone they are not supposed to.

#3 Cart McCoy and Crack Brown over in Hippyville Central are set for success, however the rest of the players are a bit on tilt. The d is not what it used to be and although statistically they look sound across the board, t.u. struggles to get going sometimes early. They wont have a chance if this trend continues. The B12 teams they play, for the most part, have caught on to this and many of the games are decided for t.u. in the first half. Look for them during Bowl season however due to the fact that t.u. wins the games they are supposed to.

Rounding out the rest is messy to say the least. Obviously B.U, my beloved Aggies, and Okie Lite are the bottom dwellers once more. Not to mention the always present at the bottom, ISU. Even new unis couldnt fix all their problems. Disappointment is the order of the day as 2 of these four schools face rebuilding with new coaching staffs and systems. It looks to be a long road espeacially considering many of the once, "back of the pack" schools have become "middle of the road" teams. ie: Kansas, Mizzou, Neb.

Kansas seems to be on the rise, but Im afraid we wont see the same flamboyance from their offense. I view them to be in the same category as SCAR/UCLA/PENN ST. Some talent remains from last year, but key losses in position players will lead to their demise. Eventually they will once again realize they are a basketball school and this whole Man-gigantor thing will pass over like gravy on chocalate icecream.

In conclusion I submit that although the distinction is grand from the top to the bottom, this is still a conference full of surprises where in any game, the tide can be turned. See t.u vs aTm last year and year before for additional details.

I admit whole heartedly that I wish the Ags were in a better spot going into week two, and I have to tell you all that the same coach bashing, qb questioning, play calling critics are alive and well on Texags, as they are here. Much like my great Vol friends, I too know what its like after week one.

Hope this was helpful to those who enjoy keeping up with other NCAA teams, and if you disagree with anything, I'd love to talk about it.

Gig em Aggies, BTHO new mexico, and Rock on ROCKY TOP.

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A very fair assesment, I would probably rank the teams after week 1 thusly:

1) Oklahoma - The cream of this league until proven otherwise...which makes their BCS choke-jobs all the more difficult to handle
2) Mizzou - Obviously a homer call :), but I truly believe there is a bit of seperation between us and Texas and Tech
3) Texas - I could honestly swap Tech here, I just put them lower because I haven't seen it from the Red Raiders yet. Surely the talent Mack Brown brings in counts for something right? :eek:lol:
4) Tech - The game against Nevada may show everyone something...Nevada isn't a pushover by any means
5) ku - basketball school, moving on
6) Colorado - May end up 2nd in the north, NEXT year is their year, IMO
7) Okie St. - Going to surprise some people this year, hopefully not my Tigers
8) Nebraska - this is STILL a depleted team, the talent just really isn't there, especially on D
9) K-State - Pretty good win last week, could move up quickly
10) Iowa St - eh
11)Baylor - it's Baylor
12) A&M - sorry, man...just after week guys should move up (right?)

Looking forward to this week:

-Tech/Nevada...see above
-ku/La Tech...hate for the Big 12 to drop one, but it's ku so screw em
-OU/Cincy...could be competitive (for a quarter or so)
-MU/ will Pinkel stop our third string from putting points on these guys?
I think you guys give Tech too much credit. They always seem to blow the big games every year. Never fails!!
Nice analysis of the separation of teams in the Big 12, guys. :birgits_giggle:
They have also never been as talented as they are this year.

well I have lived in this hell hole for 12 years, I have seen good/very good players come and go. In the end they just dissappoint! Its what they do!

On the other hand I hope I am wrong, Tech deserves a good year!!
Well it has been a little while and I've had time to evaluate the current situation so here goes for week two.

For the Aggies, thank the good Lord we have a week off before the Hurricane blows into town.
Stephen McGee- out for probablly two weeks.
Mike Goodson - injured but came back into the game and was not an impact.
Jerod Johnson - a backup turned starter over the course of two fairly successful drives.

The problem is, or should I say one of the problems is that we are now looking eerily similar to the Reggie McNeal Aggies and that is scary. I realize most of you wont remeber/care, but we one got hyped up over a supposedly "awesome"qb who wore #1. We all know how that turned out. As the week plays out, I'll give an update .

As for the rest of the major players in the B12 it goes like this:

Ou had a dominating performance without any really sign of weakness, or was there? Anyone else notice the defense in the second half look a little suspect. To say that my Sooner buddy was satisfied would be a complete and all out lie. Sooner nation is in a state of unrest about some of the small details but, fear not Sooner fan, you're still the B12 front runner.

How bout that Mizzou cover on SI? Not bad publicity considering that they wont warrent much tv time this year. I realize I sound like a broken record when I say their schedule is weak but, hey, their schedule is weak. Mizzou looks to be on track with no real tests to come so expect another 52 to (whatever) result against Nevada.

t.u. looked fine against UTEP but the first real test comes against Arkansas. Finally, the old South West conference is revisited! Old college football fans will be excited to say the least. Again, I still stand behind my theory that t.u. wins the ones they are suppossed to so expect to see Cart McCry throw for 200+.

and last but not least is the tceh red zorros. Gosh how I hate them. I forsee SMU being demoralized by them this week in the first showcase for that offense to put on display. If SMU holds them to the speed limit, (which is 70 and sometimes 80 in West Texas) I'd be shocked. Look for tceh to continue to climb into the top 10 by the end of next week.

Thats all I got for this week so far.

thanks and gig em.
Well things are playing out quite nicely I'd say for the confrence, despite the Ags lack of success. They were able to pick up a win against the bottom dwelling I state thunder clouds sooooo, I got that going for me... which is nice.

Lets take a look at the rest of the best.

t.u. has surpassed some expectations this year but not surprised anyone I dont think. Their QB is still the leading rusher and should have another great game against the legit techies. I like tech in the upset this week considering their performance against Kansas during a "homecoming" game. Harrel to Crabtree is the best combination in the Big 12 and possibly the NCAA. I'll predict an overtime win for the Leach led Pirates. Tche by 3.

As far as Okie Lite goes, wow. Just wow. Of course they payed aTm back for the years of losing, but they didnt stop there. The 41 year old has proven he too has figured out how to keep up with the rest of the Big 12 when it comes to scoring. His downfall? Like many others in this league, defenses are suspect at best. Gundy will ralley up though and they should hand I state the same kind of whipping the Ags did last week. Okie Lite -big maybe +21.

Mizzou has had some downs but things are looking a bit better for the tigers. They face Baylor this week and the line is already at 20. I'd say they learned a lesson during their first match against t.u., but I sure as hell think they are still just as good as before. Facing the t-sips in the CCG is a real possibilty and the adjustments, I assure you, will be made. I dont see them beating Baylor by more than 20, but I bet they put a pretty nice sized digit up on the lights.

Ou gets Nebrasky this weekend and I whole heartedly think that the LPGA visor will roll over the corn shuckers by the 21 points they have them listed as. Watch this number grow to as much as 25 before the weeks end. I still think there is a loss waiting for them later on, but as for now, "They are who we thought they were."

Well, that outta cover the major players I think. I like the way things are progressing here in Aggieland and I sure hope that we get over on Cu this saturday. With the new leader emerging in Jerod Johnson, I am once again optimistic going into a weekend at Kyle Field. Your thoughts are always welcome.

Thanks and gig em'. Rock on Rocky Top!
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Well I'll admit my mistake in my prediction. Ou only saw that # grow to 23 this week. Regardless, out of all the Big12 confrence games, that will be the biggest bloodbath.

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