The Trend Continues (Another Chicken Farm Fire)

Keep in mind, this is on the heels of the industry culling a bunch of chickens because of bird flu in the attempt to "stop the spread", when we all know it was spread by migratory birds, not by commercial poultry hens.
Over 100 plants destroyed by fire since Biden took over and its no big deal?
Last time this came up we checked the list and it was crap. Empty warehouses, small local butcher, tiny fire with zero effect, etc. Yes it's no big deal
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Waiting for PJ to come out and deny the culling of 50m chickens and turkeys last year due to bird flu…
Surely you see the difference in killing sick chickens and claiming a nationwide conspiracy to burn down food production. All I'm saying is you're repeating things that have been shown to be less than truthful
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That were way overblown nonsense? Ok
Such overblown nonsense. I must have been conspiracy theoring.
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Not Biden as he's far too stupid to head anything. This has been done by his controllers. Far far too many incidents to not be deliberate.
Except the "many incidents" fall apart once you delve into them. Empty warehouses, single building neighborhood butchers, electrical fire that caused no damage or downtime, small mail plane crash, etc. With incidents like that I'd believe it more if you told me Biden was calling the shots
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Not Biden as he's far too stupid to head anything. This has been done by his controllers. Far far too many incidents to not be deliberate.
Too stupid but yet he's President. Are you listening to yourself? Who are his controllers? Power Elite? Obama? Aliens?

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