China continues to warehouse and torture its dissidents, force women to have abortions, play whac-a-mole with Tibetans and deny its people basic human rights.
(They have also been accused of harvesting body organs from prisoners.)gs
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton set the Red Chinese straight on "one of the most important issues that has ever, ever faced humanity":
gorbal warming.
Under the warming doctrine, all weather anomalies, no matter how divergent or contradictory, prove the theory, requiring Draconian remediation to avert Gorwellian consequences.
When anomalies can't keep pace with overheated rhetoric, warmists pull data out of the sky, report them as true and then have other warmists authenticate them under the guise of peer review.
It's how they got the Antarctic ice pack in full melting mode when precisely the opposite is occurring across the continent except on the tip of the West Antarctic Peninsula.
In reality, the Antarctic ice sheet was bigger in 2007 than it has been since humans began taking measurements, and preliminary numbers from 2008 indicate it grew further even after the Wilkins Ice Sheet calved a 160-square-mile iceberg last March.
Nowhere is the warmists' hysteria more apocalyptic than in the Arctic, where they claim human activity closer to the equator is causing the ice cap to disappear rapidly and take the polar bear with it.
But the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center said world sea ice was never more expansive in any April than it was in 2008.
Ice caps and glaciers are advancing across the globe. Contrary to dire predictions that the region would be ice free last summer, ice covered 193,000 more square miles of the Arctic last July than it did in the summer of 2007.
By last November, the cap was almost 30 percent larger than the year before.
And the U.N. World Meteorological Organization says 2008 was the coldest year this century and average global temperatures have been falling since 1998.
The WMO, of course, says all this proves warming is occurring.
Now the ice data center says the Arctic ice cap today is actually almost 200,000 square miles larger than it thought because it got faulty information from a malfunctioning sensor.
Consider, too, that the Arctic and Antarctic caps are expanding despite increased volcanic activity in both regions. Without that extra heat, the caps would be larger still.
But good luck finding politicians who are aware of these facts, warmists willing to acknowledge them or journalists willing to give them the sort of play they give all the phony "scientific" reports that conform to the global-warming orthodoxy.