Yes I am saying that the CNN story is false. The national media tells lies right? That should be a given. Lopsided stories, atrocious editing on people's interviews, anything to make the story more scandalicious.
Like I said I have "worked" with and for MANY charities. There are basically two ways that CNN is trying to nail DVNF.
1. The shipments that they send to veterans are worthless, and the vets don't need them.
2. The amount of money coming in, is not the same (or really even close) to the amount going out.
I can give short answers and then when you guys call me an idiot or that I've been "duped" I can give the you the real scoop.
The first (1) claim is completely false. The way that larger (income) Charity organizations work (especially younger charities, say 10-15 years or younger) is by supporting smaller charities or PROGRAMS (or Stand-downs) by sending them supplies. These smaller programs are, like I said, separate entities. In the case of the Veterans Charities, they are generally Shelters, Vet-assist homes, any place that is in constant contact with our Vets.
I have personally unloaded thousands of boxes of Vitamins, Medicines, Blankets, Socks, Water, Dried Food, ect. and exchanged them hand in hand with Vets all along the east coast. Millions of dollars "worth" of supplies, this year alone. Not only has everyone been more than grateful, more than satisfied, they are asking for more. Even the people in the interview, AFTER the interview, are asking for more. Admitting to the hack-job of the interviews too.
There is so much more to say about that but let's visit the second (2) claim by CNN. The money coming in is not the same going back out to the vets.
The straight answer is yes, they are right. Let me say this, it is IMPOSSIBLE for every dollar of donated money to go straight back out for the intended targets. Raising donations requires Call Centers (those annoying calls you get), Direct Mail (those annoying letters you get), and Internet blasts (those annoying emails and advertisement banners you get, just like on VN--->).
All of these methods require MONEY. Lot's of it. Imagine sending millions of parcels through the mail, or calling a million people per year. The postage and phone bills alone would be catastrophic. Not to mention, the work that has to be done to accomplish that. The callers, the management of databases', the design and printing of all the parcels of mail, the writing of the stories for the content. All of the internet work, design of advertisements, websites, email blasts. Money, Money, Money.
Enter Quadriga. This is the company that DVNF is said to have paid essentially all of their donated money to. Quadriga is HUGE, they service hundreds of non-profits. They do it all, direct mail, call centers, even web. And if they don't do it, they just out-source it. Quadriga is a FOR PROFIT company. Large companies like Quadriga qualify for discounted services like post and phone. Allowing them to complete calls and blast out parcels through the mail at fractions upon fractions of the cost that it would cost normal people to complete.
Quadriga exists because they can actually save money for the charities. Because they have the man power employed and the discounted phone and postage rates. Not to mention that by servicing many different charities they have a great deal of experience to maximize the success for donations.
Essentially, ALL charities do this. The Older, more established charities (World Vision, Unicef, even Red Cross) are so deep and so large, that they actually do everything in-house. Essentially, they have their own branch of the charity that acts like Quadriga. Employees in those branches get paid, they are not volunteers.
This is getting too long, way too much information for most people's attention span. I've got more, I'll let this seep in a little bit.d