You are right, for some reason I was thinking it was dark when Morgan was talking to the one guy he is trying to save. Either way in that theory he would have been safe and building a fire or whatever by now. Wouldn't you think?
There are also 200 walkers in the alleyway. I'll be honest, any "Glenn is saved" scenario is going to annoy me a lot. I can't think of a way he lives that won't be dumb.
I'm right there with you. Unless he has a teleport device he is toast. Side note, check out this film. I don't have AMC theaters around me so I'll have to wait for digital
This episode just seemed off.
Some new group hunts down the people that had Daryl. Catches up to them. Tells them they're going to pay for the time/fuel used to find them. Then they just leave? wtf?
Did they let someone's little brother write or edit this episode?
We had a big storm here that took out my recording...I thought that I missed something that allowed them to get away from those guys. Re-recorded the later replay, but didn't watch yet. That may be worse than the "van flip"![]()
This episode just seemed off.
Some new group hunts down the people that had Daryl. Catches up to them. Tells them they're going to pay for the time/fuel used to find them. Then they just leave? wtf?
Did they let someone's little brother write or edit this episode?
So at the end of the episode, Daryl gets on the radio and says "Rick, you copy? Anybody?" There's a garbled com and Daryl says "Say again?"
There was more static, and I thought it was Daryl saying "Nope" out loud in the truck, but upon further review, it's someone saying help on the radio?
Norman Reedus did an interview that's on that you guys should check out.
I'm just going to DVR the entire second half and watch it all at once. They only really do about 3 good episodes anyway. That way I can skip garbage episodes like the past few. This show has become stale to me.
Hereâs the Voice From the End of Walking Dead -- Vulture
On second thought.....that's not Glenn. It's probably some random guy that Daryl goes and helps.
Wow! I though it was a really good episode!
We get the introduction/cameo of a new group. (probably one from the comics that hasn't been seen yet!)
It looks like next week we finally get the intervention for the new (nut job) Morgan.