wait, what?
haha i like the dude, but i agree. acted like tonight was all mindblowing when it was pretty downright awful.
kinda sad to see Deanna go. kinda liked her. except for her rage face at the end, that was facepalm worthy.
wait, what?
haha i like the dude, but i agree. acted like tonight was all mindblowing when it was pretty downright awful.
kinda sad to see Deanna go. kinda liked her. except for her rage face at the end, that was facepalm worthy.
I don't dislike Carl like I used to, but honestly I have no interest in seeing any characters stay alive outside of Carol or Rick. Carol just to see what new way she can adjust. And Rick just to see far he'll go to stay alive.
Other than that, I wouldn't care who gets offed. But the myth of "nobody is safe" that they love to push on Talking Dead is completely false. They're losing me with their cheesy shots to make it look like someone is dead, Glen twice, only to have him survive.
And The Wolves seemed to have no motive other than to kill everyone in Alexandria. The one Morgan caught has said as much. Something to the effect of "We free you and pick up what's left". Something like that. So Carol and Morgan are unconscious on the floor, the Wolf has a gun to the doc's(Denise) head, with Rosita, Tara, Eugene standing there unarmed.....and he walks out? He doesn't take the opportunity to kill Carol or Morgan, or any of them?
Whatever. Nobody is safe my ass.
For me, it depends on the guests. Kevin Smith and Paul Bettany the other week were good/hilarious and the show was great. Tonight's show was just kinda meh. Chris Jericho was hilarious the time(s?) he's been on.
I still like it and look forward to it each week. I'll agree that this was probably the weakest mid season finale (other than the shock of Beth getting shot, last year's was the worst) but it was still a pretty solid episode.
This season has been one of the better ones IMO. it's better than most of S2 and S3. Both of which meandered for way too many episodes. It's better than the flu story of S4 (and even though I enjoyed the journey to Terminus, the whining in this thread was pretty vocal) and much much much better than the hospital story of S5.
Seriously, some of you have been complaining about the pacing and the characters for the past 3 seasons. If you're bored with I guess quit watching.
I thought the mid season was "decent" - but I've honestly had to adjust my expectations for this show. They could've done worse... much worse. The kid talking at the end was beyond stupid; the fact that no one tried to shut him the F up is dumber yet.
I'm starting to see the problem that most shows eventually fall victim to: character motives/actions taking a back seat to plot devices and the storyline.
Someone does or says something completely illogical/out of character because the writers have gotten lazy and/or the producers have grow complacent and everyone accepts a half baked script. The kid talking in the zombie mosh pit is a prime example; he should have been too terrified to speak - you know, the way he's acted the ENTIRE FREAKIN SEASON?!
The Carroll/Morgan confrontation is another foul, in my opinion.
Caroll: He's going to kill us; he must die.
Wolf: Yeah, dude, I'm going to kill you guys.... no, seriously.
Morgan: Nooooo, life is preshus!!!
I still like it and look forward to it each week. I'll agree that this was probably the weakest mid season finale (other than the shock of Beth getting shot, last year's was the worst) but it was still a pretty solid episode.
This season has been one of the better ones IMO. it's better than most of S2 and S3. Both of which meandered for way too many episodes. It's better than the flu story of S4 (and even though I enjoyed the journey to Terminus, the whining in this thread was pretty vocal) and much much much better than the hospital story of S5.
Seriously, some of you have been complaining about the pacing and the characters for the past 3 seasons. If you're bored with I guess quit watching.