The White Virus



revolUTion in the air!
Mar 19, 2011
I genuinely don’t understand how anyone can watch clips like this of someone making openly racist remarks and still watch cnn or vote democrat.

Are there racists on both sides? Absolutely. But the racism on the left seems to be main stream and embraced. You would never hear even on Fox News or even from trump “all black people have a virus in their brains”.

And yeah I know I’m 2 years late to this, but the fact that this clip isn’t more widespread, that he wasn’t taken off the air for it, and still works there today are just insane

CNN's Van Jones says 'white, liberals' are more worrisome than the KKK | Daily Mail Online

I genuinely don’t understand how anyone can watch clips like this of someone making openly racist remarks and still watch cnn or vote democrat.

Are there racists on both sides? Absolutely. But the racism on the left seems to be main stream and embraced. You would never hear even on Fox News or even from trump “all black people have a virus in their brains”.

And yeah I know I’m 2 years late to this, but the fact that this clip isn’t more widespread, that he wasn’t taken off the air for it, and still works there today are just insane

CNN's Van Jones says 'white, liberals' are more worrisome than the KKK | Daily Mail Online

He’s a huge race baiter a-hole, but gets a pass from the left because he’s black. The double standard is divisive as hell
Speaking for myself, I want to see any and all racists treated the same way. If it's gonna cost someone their job, then t should true for both side. If it's going to be suspension from a job or team, the same for sides. Give neither side privilege, that's all I'd ask.
Speaking for myself, I want to see any and all racists treated the same way. If it's gonna cost someone their job, then t should true for both side. If it's going to be suspension from a job or team, the same for sides. Give neither side privilege, that's all I'd ask.

Even you and I can find common ground it seems. Do we agree Van Jones should have at a minimum been disciplined (similar to what's happening with Don Lemon right now) and at worst just been outright fired?
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Even you and I can find common ground it seems. Do we agree Van Jones should have at a minimum been disciplined (similar to what's happening with Don Lemon right now) and at worst just been outright fired?

I said what I had to say. I meant every word of what I said. Done.
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Seems like a simple enoguh question. I realize genuine debate and dialogue aren’t your thing though.

Free speech nation, V8188. One may elect to not speak as well as speak. As I stated, I said what I had to say, and meant every word of it. You sort of remind me of my wife.

Me: Our dog is pretty smart. He woke me up at 3:30 this morning letting me know he had to go outside to poop.
Wife: Did he also want a snack, and watch TV, because he does sometimes? Did the cats follow him outside as they usually do?

ARRRGGHH! He wanted to dump, and I let him out!!!! I don't need an CIA interrogation.
Free speech nation, V8188. One may elect to not speak as well as speak. As I stated, I said what I had to say, and meant every word of it. You sort of remind me of my wife.

Me: Our dog is pretty smart. He woke me up at 3:30 this morning letting me know he had to go outside to poop.
Wife: Did he also want a snack, and watch TV, because he does sometimes? Did the cats follow him outside as they usually do?

ARRRGGHH! He wanted to dump, and I let him out!!!! I don't need an CIA interrogation.

You don’t have to explain. At this point we all understand that you’re only here to troll and lack the ability to engage in any kind of meaningful dialogue and explain or defend your views
You don’t have to explain. At this point we all understand that you’re only here to troll and lack the ability to engage in any kind of meaningful dialogue and explain or defend your views

And that's the underlying reason I didn't respond to your questions. Experience tells me it is just another setup to insert more insults and baiting to detour the topic in other irrelevant realms, usually stained with bigotry. Been here long enough to know that. So once again:
And that's the underlying reason I didn't respond to your questions. Experience tells me it is just another setup to insert more insults and baiting to detour the topic in other irrelevant realms, usually stained with bigotry. Been here long enough to know that. So once again:

Lol “everyone is a bigot and insults me”. We mock you because you bring nothing of value. If you were willing to engage with others in an honest attempt to debate and explain your views, I would at a minimum respect you. But like I said, you’ve shown yourself to be incapable.

There was no insult in the post you quoted.
Lol “everyone is a bigot and insults me”. We mock you because you bring nothing of value. If you were willing to engage with others in an honest attempt to debate and explain your views, I would at a minimum respect you. But like I said, you’ve shown yourself to be incapable.
There was no insult in the post you quoted.

Mock away, bub. You just admitted I am justified in refusing to answer your additional questions about racists. The very fact, I told you twice: I said what I had to say. Done. And your trying to prod me into falling into another of your poorly executed detours into bigotry arguing traps. It makes it loud and clear what you are and your true intent in asking the questions you did. Mock away, it's what I expect. Boy, oh boy, when I'm right, I'm right. Homey just doesn't play dat, bub. :cool:
Mock away, bub. You just admitted I am justified in refusing to answer your additional questions about racists. The very fact, I told you twice: I said what I had to say. Done. And your trying to prod me into falling into another of your poorly executed detours into bigotry arguing traps. It makes it loud and clear what you are and your true intent in asking the questions you did. Mock away, it's what I expect. Boy, oh boy, when I'm right, I'm right. Homey just doesn't play dat, bub. :cool:

Lol that’s what it was. Everyone’s out to get you. Did you ever think maybe I just curious as to how your opinion applied to this specific scenario that you commented on?

And how is asking you call out someone for racism a “bigotry trap”
Lol that’s what it was. Everyone’s out to get you. Did you ever think maybe I just curious as to how your opinion applied to this specific scenario that you commented on?
And how is asking you call out someone for racism a “bigotry trap”

How is it a trap? See, experience with you guys have taught me you're like perch. You nibble a bit at a time, then when the topic is in the detour area you want, you finally take your big bite. Thanks. You guys have taught me well. Took me a while, as I was trying to be a good guy back then. Now, I know it's futile, so I vex you as you vexed me. It's kind of fun.

Oh, I fly through the air with the greatest of ease.
How is it a trap? See, experience with you guys have taught me you're like perch. You nibble a bit at a time, then when the topic is in the detour area you want, you finally take your big bite. Thanks. You guys have taught me well. Took me a while, as I was trying to be a good guy back then. Now, I know it's futile, so I vex you as you vexed me. It's kind of fun.

Oh, I fly through the air with the greatest of ease.
View attachment 539029

You have no such experience because you lack the courage to engage
Free speech nation, V8188. One may elect to not speak as well as speak. As I stated, I said what I had to say, and meant every word of it. You sort of remind me of my wife.

Me: Our dog is pretty smart. He woke me up at 3:30 this morning letting me know he had to go outside to poop.
Wife: Did he also want a snack, and watch TV, because he does sometimes? Did the cats follow him outside as they usually do?

ARRRGGHH! He wanted to dump, and I let him out!!!! I don't need an CIA interrogation.
So you’re married to a man 🤔
Lol “everyone is a bigot and insults me”. We mock you because you bring nothing of value. If you were willing to engage with others in an honest attempt to debate and explain your views, I would at a minimum respect you. But like I said, you’ve shown yourself to be incapable.

There was no insult in the post you quoted.
He’s a broken record…. Everyone except himself is a bigot or racist…. It’s weak
So you’re married to a man 🤔

Now, Carly, baby, just because you married Putin and Kim jung in a weird threesome matrimony, doesn't mean every other man also got married that way. And really, creeper, you shouldn't brag about your weird relationship..
I am a cracka btw. Just thought I would point that out ..most of yall know this though. I am Marcus and my wife is Sheena...yet we are both crackas. We get some surprised looks though after reservations, applications, paperwork etc. Our names make us sound way more "diverse" than we actually are. Truth is, I am just another run of the mill, oppressive, misogynist, racist, bigot, cog in the machine of systemic oppression. I can ruin millions of lives by lunchtime everyday, without breaking a sweat...or even actually putting any effort into it whatsoever. A true superhero...loathed by all my contemporaries for my amazing and effortless power. I have so much white privelege that i have worked 50 plus hours a week for about 30 years straight just to squeek into the ever more evasive "lower middle class" ....sometimes referred to more honestly as "the working poor". Good to be me, what can i say....but I have one kid through college and another soon to follow. Perhaps their plight will be a little easier and more "privileged" than mine....

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