The wild west



Jul 3, 2009
Say what you want, but the majority of today's media is influenced, if not totally dictated by governments. We are now locked into a propogandized political world that gives us little, if any, choices.... that keeps us divided left/right, black/white, national/immigrant, straight vs. LBGTQ, etc.. A system that is now censoring free speech, freedom of thought... purging of the truth. A system that pushes immigration and tolerance of any and all outsiders, while simmultaneouly stripping the rights, culture and way of life away from its own nationals. Western cities are now bombarded with homeless, immigrants, unemployment, crime and cultural division.... as western media/governments shout that all of this diverseness is the source of our strength. In exploring the issue of crime alone, in a worldwide view, the results speak for themselves.... today's "western world" cities are by far the most dangerous, crime burdened cities in the world.... an issue ignored by MSM and western governments. The 300 most dangerous/crime laden cities in the world for the first half of 2021.... 171 were in the U.S, Europe, Canada and Austrailia, with a total population of 1.1 billion. By contrast, China, with a population of 1.4 billion... has 1 city listed. India, with 1.38 billion.... had 17. Canada has more cities listed in the top 300 than the whole continent of Africa and all of the Middle East... CANADA!!! Indonesia, a country similar in population with the U.S... had 1 city listed as opposed the U.S.'s 51 cities. Iran had 1 city listed as well.

The link list 427 cities.... I thought going back through 300 was sufficient..

EDIT: Stats are survey based....thus rendering them inaccurate. Was pointed out to me after thread was initiated. Mods can delete if they want.
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Whoever is behind the scenes running this country instead of Biden... for starters.
I could be wrong but I think Obama/Rice is the new axis of evil. Behind the curtain he can doff the mask of civility and accelerate that fundamental change which is what he’s all about.
Cloward and Piven Strategy. Everything must be destroyed so it can be built back the way the radicals see fit, and there are a lot of radicals with a whole bunch of money. See George Soros.
Say what you want, but the majority of today's media is influenced, if not totally dictated by governments. We are now locked into a propogandized political world that gives us little, if any, choices.... that keeps us divided left/right, black/white, national/immigrant, straight vs. LBGTQ, etc.. A system that is now censoring free speech, freedom of thought... purging of the truth. A system that pushes immigration and tolerance of any and all outsiders, while simmultaneouly stripping the rights, culture and way of life away from its own nationals. Western cities are now bombarded with homeless, immigrants, unemployment, crime and cultural division.... as western media/governments shout that all of this diverseness is the source of our strength. In exploring the issue of crime alone, in a worldwide view, the results speak for themselves.... today's "western world" cities are by far the most dangerous, crime burdened cities in the world.... an issue ignored by MSM and western governments. The 300 most dangerous/crime laden cities in the world for the first half of 2021.... 171 were in the U.S, Europe, Canada and Austrailia, with a total population of 1.1 billion. By contrast, China, with a population of 1.4 billion... has 1 city listed. India, with 1.38 billion.... had 17. Canada has more cities listed in the top 300 than the whole continent of Africa and all of the Middle East... CANADA!!! Indonesia, a country similar in population with the U.S... had 1 city listed as opposed the U.S.'s 51 cities. Iran had 1 city listed as well.

Crime Index by City 2021 Mid-Year (

The link list 427 cities.... I thought going back through 300 was sufficient..
If you click the link to see how this list is generated, it is not based on crime statistics. It is based on surveys of visitors to that website. It is worthless propaganda.
Say what you want, but the majority of today's media is influenced, if not totally dictated by governments. We are now locked into a propogandized political world that gives us little, if any, choices.... that keeps us divided left/right, black/white, national/immigrant, straight vs. LBGTQ, etc.. A system that is now censoring free speech, freedom of thought... purging of the truth. A system that pushes immigration and tolerance of any and all outsiders, while simmultaneouly stripping the rights, culture and way of life away from its own nationals. Western cities are now bombarded with homeless, immigrants, unemployment, crime and cultural division.... as western media/governments shout that all of this diverseness is the source of our strength. In exploring the issue of crime alone, in a worldwide view, the results speak for themselves.... today's "western world" cities are by far the most dangerous, crime burdened cities in the world.... an issue ignored by MSM and western governments. The 300 most dangerous/crime laden cities in the world for the first half of 2021.... 171 were in the U.S, Europe, Canada and Austrailia, with a total population of 1.1 billion. By contrast, China, with a population of 1.4 billion... has 1 city listed. India, with 1.38 billion.... had 17. Canada has more cities listed in the top 300 than the whole continent of Africa and all of the Middle East... CANADA!!! Indonesia, a country similar in population with the U.S... had 1 city listed as opposed the U.S.'s 51 cities. Iran had 1 city listed as well.

Crime Index by City 2021 Mid-Year (

The link list 427 cities.... I thought going back through 300 was sufficient..

This data is totally useless for comparison. China is authoritarian, and we don't want to be more authoritarian, so let's not compare the two. India and Africa and the 3rd world, in general, have reporting issues/under-reporting. A huge chunk of our crime isn't really crime at all (non-violent drug offenses). As your source explains:
  • people in some countries are much more likely to report a crime than in other countries
  • data could be forged by governmental institutions
  • data are not available for most of the world
Maybe figure out if the data means anything before you start ranting about immigrants, you know?
Say what you want, but the majority of today's media is influenced, if not totally dictated by governments. We are now locked into a propogandized political world that gives us little, if any, choices.... that keeps us divided left/right, black/white, national/immigrant, straight vs. LBGTQ, etc.. A system that is now censoring free speech, freedom of thought... purging of the truth. A system that pushes immigration and tolerance of any and all outsiders, while simmultaneouly stripping the rights, culture and way of life away from its own nationals. Western cities are now bombarded with homeless, immigrants, unemployment, crime and cultural division.... as western media/governments shout that all of this diverseness is the source of our strength. In exploring the issue of crime alone, in a worldwide view, the results speak for themselves.... today's "western world" cities are by far the most dangerous, crime burdened cities in the world.... an issue ignored by MSM and western governments. The 300 most dangerous/crime laden cities in the world for the first half of 2021.... 171 were in the U.S, Europe, Canada and Austrailia, with a total population of 1.1 billion. By contrast, China, with a population of 1.4 billion... has 1 city listed. India, with 1.38 billion.... had 17. Canada has more cities listed in the top 300 than the whole continent of Africa and all of the Middle East... CANADA!!! Indonesia, a country similar in population with the U.S... had 1 city listed as opposed the U.S.'s 51 cities. Iran had 1 city listed as well.

Crime Index by City 2021 Mid-Year (

The link list 427 cities.... I thought going back through 300 was sufficient..

I wouldn't trust Chinese or Indian crime statistics. China's government undoubtedly cooks the books to make their authoritarian hellscape look more utopian, while India has so many slums and unaccounted people that keeping crime statistics doesn't even make sense.
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If you click the link to see how this list is generated, it is not based on crime statistics. It is based on surveys of visitors to that website. It is worthless propaganda.

Good catch....did not see that. I will edit OP to represent that stats are based on a survey of cities visited..

My apologies to all..
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Say what you want, but the majority of today's media is influenced, if not totally dictated by governments. We are now locked into a propogandized political world that gives us little, if any, choices.... that keeps us divided left/right, black/white, national/immigrant, straight vs. LBGTQ, etc.. A system that is now censoring free speech, freedom of thought... purging of the truth. A system that pushes immigration and tolerance of any and all outsiders, while simmultaneouly stripping the rights, culture and way of life away from its own nationals. Western cities are now bombarded with homeless, immigrants, unemployment, crime and cultural division.... as western media/governments shout that all of this diverseness is the source of our strength. In exploring the issue of crime alone, in a worldwide view, the results speak for themselves.... today's "western world" cities are by far the most dangerous, crime burdened cities in the world.... an issue ignored by MSM and western governments. The 300 most dangerous/crime laden cities in the world for the first half of 2021.... 171 were in the U.S, Europe, Canada and Austrailia, with a total population of 1.1 billion. By contrast, China, with a population of 1.4 billion... has 1 city listed. India, with 1.38 billion.... had 17. Canada has more cities listed in the top 300 than the whole continent of Africa and all of the Middle East... CANADA!!! Indonesia, a country similar in population with the U.S... had 1 city listed as opposed the U.S.'s 51 cities. Iran had 1 city listed as well.

Crime Index by City 2021 Mid-Year (

The link list 427 cities.... I thought going back through 300 was sufficient..

EDIT: Stats are survey based....thus rendering them inaccurate. Was pointed out to me after thread was initiated. Mods can delete if they want.
You can delete the link by using the edit button. If it's bogus you probably should.

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