This Is Funny

CORVALLIS, Ore. - For at least the eighth time since September 2004, an Oregon State University football player has been arrested.

Now that is a team of thugs
What are you all doing over there with the sheep Milo??? :lol:
Getting a DUI with a sheep in the back of your pickup. Could it get worse than that?? :rlol: :rlol:
Contacted Tuesday afternoon, Siegert said he recalled being pulled over, but denied any involvement with the ram.

"I don't know anything about that," he said. "I'm from a city. I don't know anything about sheep."

That is just priceless!
Well, maybe it just up and jumped in the back of his truck. Maybe the ram wanted to run away because the other rams were falming him...You never know.
"Two other individuals were in the pickup with the OSU lineman at the time of the arrest.

Deputies believe the Ram, which was part of an OSU study on homosexuality, was not harmed. "

To me that's the most disturbing part, that they stole a gay sheep. :dlol:
They almost make the .14 BAC sound like a incidental detail. That is incredibly sad and funny at the same time. I wonder if somebody stole his girlfriend's cell phone...

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