This is hilarious!!

This isn't so bad. Some Cal fans enjoyed their trip.

Rocky Top and other musings - Network Directory Front Page

The first two posts under that topic were great. I'm glad these guys had a great time in Knoxville, even if their team was slaughtered into a million pieces.

I especially liked this:

2 - Call me a masochist, but I like Rocky Top. And while they played it a lot (part of that was our fault :) ) they did NOT play it NEARLY as much as USC plays its dirge or as annoyingly (USC hands off and loses two yards - time to strike up the band!!!).... and please Tennessee, that is one contest with USC you DON'T want to win... But I definitely liked the tune... and the whole "WHOOOOO" thing... very charming.



i have to keep that wrapped around my head when reading some of those posts
their place is in all kinds of uproar after "The Beating". it's hilarious. people are whining about EVERYTHING.
There're pretty pathetic. just quit trying to argue and make the post 5 characters long:

"35-18" thats all you have to say.
When the prayer was taking place I was wondering what the Berkley bunch was thinking considering their liberality.

I read some of those posts...... amazing.........Some people are just so INTOLERANT......lololol
They really got off on that prayer thing. Or atleast a few did. I don't think it is wrong either way. I am religious and moderate. Don't force religion on someone, but don't deny it either. I beleive in the "proclaim me before men and I will proclaim you before my Father thing." I think it is wrong to require such either way in a public venue, as long as you are respectful of one's culture. The graduation issue is peculiar, in that the school cannot have it as part of their organized graduation ceremony, but if a student were to ad lib a prayer during the ceremony, it is not illegal. The other point to consider is that while UT is a state sponsored public house, UT Athletics, though associated with the state, is a private/separate/prfitable business institution apart from UT istelf. And donates excess funds back to the academics of UT itself. A public prayer at Neyland is largely a public prayer at a private self-supportive very large conference room. i would have posted this there instead of here, but I haven't got my acces yet. this will allow me what i wanted to post and can cut and paste at that time. And ya'll think OWB is liberal. He's just southern liberal.
These couple of belly aching CAL fans are getting the press. For those players and fans who refused to stand or take off their hat, what comes around goes around. 35-18.

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