This is just idiotic



Jesus is Lord
Sep 12, 2004
After summations, the five-judge panel will adjourn to consider a verdict, which could include death by hanging for Saddam and two co-defendants, including Barzan.

Saddam, 69, remained hospitalized Monday, taking nutrition through a feeding tube, court spokesman Raid Juhi said. The tube was inserted Sunday, the 17th day of Saddam's hunger strike. Juhi said Saddam was now in stable condition and would be in court Wednesday when the trial reconvenes.

"His health is not in jeopardy," White House spokesman Tony Snow said Monday in Washington.
Saddam trial

After a 17 day hunger strike, they've taken him to a hospital, placed a feeding tube in him, and are nursing him back to health, all so they can hang him :shakehead: . If he wants to starve himself to death, LET HIM DIE!!!!!!!!!!
I say let him go and let him restore peace in Iraq. :post-20645-1119625378:
...that's fine as long as rape, torture and chemical warfare are the way you roll.
If he dies, he dies. Personally I'd rather him die slowly through his way if he can do it.
Perhaps it's like here. If you die before your appeals are exhausted then your not quite guilty (can't remember exactly how it works legally but Logan Young falls into this category).

My guess is that they want him found guilty so they will keep him alive.
(GAVol @ Jul 24 said:
...that's fine as long as rape, torture and chemical warfare are the way you roll.

We're torturing and killing them too. Why not let Saddam get back to doing it on his buck?
Oh yeah, Gassing Kurds and cutting off limbs, compared to putting underware on their heads. I'm sure they'd MUCH rather have Saddam back.

Damn, what a stupid comment.

Quit letting hatred blind you. You're smarter than that.
(OrangeSquare @ Jul 24 said:
Oh yeah, Gassing Kurds and cutting off limbs, compared to putting underware on their heads. I'm sure they'd MUCH rather have Saddam back.

Damn, what a stupid comment.

Quit letting hatred blind you. You're smarter than that.

Everything I've said in here has been toungue in cheek. Get a grip.

And it's underwear, not underware.

Seriously though, I think that dropping Playstations on parachutes would go a long way. Those people need something to do...
(OrangeSquare @ Jul 24 said:
Ya know you've got them, when they start spell checking.

Yeah, you got me. Good job. It's "You" not "Ya"..
(tvolsfan @ Jul 24 said:
I just hope they kill him fast before it becomes a bigger mess.

I'm surprised they didn't shoot him when they found him in the hole.
(OrangeSquare @ Jul 24 said:
OWB- you certainly are "in your own little world".


Yep, it's where I go to escape from people like....oh nevermind.

OK ok, our torture is better than Saddam's torture, I get the point.
(volinbham @ Jul 24 said:
Perhaps it's like here. If you die before your appeals are exhausted then your not quite guilty (can't remember exactly how it works legally but Logan Young falls into this category).

My guess is that they want him found guilty so they will keep him alive.
OK, I can understand that. But if he basically commits suicide, then he dies in disgrace, If he is hanged, don't we run the risk of turning him into some sort of martyr figure for the radicals? (I'm not saying he dosen't deserve to die, just that maybe we should've let him die in disgrace.
(OrangeSquare @ Jul 24 said:
Oh yeah, Gassing Kurds and cutting off limbs, compared to putting underware on their heads. I'm sure they'd MUCH rather have Saddam back.

I reraly shouldn't laugh at that but...

:eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol:

(MyBloodRunnethOrange @ Jul 25 said:
OK, I can understand that. But if he basically commits suicide, then he dies in disgrace, If he is hanged, don't we run the risk of turning him into some sort of martyr figure for the radicals? (I'm not saying he dosen't deserve to die, just that maybe we should've let him die in disgrace.

To a radical Muslim suicide=martyr. We lose no matter what.
I still haven't been able to wrap my mind around the whole 'martyr' notion. I say the more radical Islamist terrorist marytrs we make, the better.
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
I still haven't been able to wrap my mind around the whole 'martyr' notion. I say the more radical Islamist terrorist marytrs we make, the better.

:clapping: All for it.



  • we_ran_out_of_virgins.png
    107.8 KB · Views: 0
Careful, some radicals have killed over those pictures...(I have them all saved on my hard drive :) )
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
Careful, some radicals have killed over those pictures...(I have them all saved on my hard drive :) )

me too :biggrin2:

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