Okay, sparing the plethora of inbred, hillbilly, and bumpkin-related insults I usually have in store for you (of course, barring fool, sheep, commie, ignoramus from your end), I'm just going to ask a simple question and I want a simple answer.
Why can't I find a credible source with this information? I've searched the web and can't find anything outside conservative blogs. As you know, blogs are rarely credible or reliable. So, again... Why can't I find a credible source reporting this information?
Because the liberal media refuses to print/post anything that is negative about their chosen one. If you can't figure that out then I don't know what to tell you. Liberals are among the most elitest and stubborn people on the face of the earth. Sad but true.
ok, how about this?
Obama to raise money in Harlem - Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com
never mind the US economy is imploding, Japan is falling apart, and the Middle East is about to go up in flames. Teleprompter Jesus has to go fund raise to the tune of nearly 31 thousand bucks a plate.
Search the internet, find a credible source with those statistics, then get on your soap box. Why aren't the precious conservative media outlets talking about it?
Liberals are elitist and conservatives whine. This is old news.
watch it, the mods don't like it when non-mods decide what's relevant to a topic and what isn't.
You think the Weekly Standard is less credible than the NY Slimes for instance??
They can do whatever they feel like, but thanks for the heads up. Until then, I stand by the notion that your link has little to no correlation to what joevol posted..
true, but at least I didn't start another pointless thread thus giving LG another opportunity to tacitly hint that he thinks I'm some kind of racist.
Well, how about that... we finally agree on something. However, derailing nonsense with more nonsense doesn't really help the cause.
I was just trying to prove a point with my first post.
btw, I hope you're consistent regarding blogs. I've seen folks use Huffpo, TPM, DailyBeast, etc. as factual source material. Weekly Standard has much higher...uh, standards than many, if not all, left-wing blogs.