he looks like he's jonesing for a cigarette in that first picture, the second one looks as though he may have seen a pack in one of the kids' coveralls, third is him frustrated that they weren't his brand.
His brand???????
Just call me Maui wowie Barry Warry!!!!
I don't care if you're a fairy
just let me state this
I have friends in high places!
Me and michelle has got our hunches
da munchkins is gonna get da munchies
"And by bros, I mean Rezko, Emmanuel,
Blogojevitch, Daley, and the rest of the
Chicago mob. Man, putting us in charge
of a $700 billion bailout is like putting a
pack of wolves in charge of a Tyson's
chicken factory!"
It not what you smoke it be who you be smokin
wit dat make you be cool.
And it help to have a cool lid