THIS is why you don't just pull for the SEC whenever...



Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2006
:twocents: RECRUITING!!!

I know, I know... Everybody's TOP reason for pullin' for the SEC is to "Prove that we have the best conference," and "Show'em how college football is really supposed to be played!" BUT...our conference has already proven itself as one of the elites every year (and many years...they are THE elite conference). HOW have they proven it...

1) Coaches (i.e. Spurrier, Fulmer, Richt, Tuberville, Saban, Meyer, Miles, etc.)

2) NFL Prospects are abounding from almost, if not, EVERY team

3) Pre-Season rankings all the way through the Final rankings of each season we (SEC) are at, or near, the top

4) ETC... I won't digress any further


There is ONE reason why I will NOT just simply route for the SEC and that is recruiting...

Yeah, it sounds good to cheer for our conference so we can "look" good...but we already know we're good!

When it comes down to it...when I pull for another SEC team I am doing so at the demise of my own team...the BIG ORANGE!!! That will never happen. I know ya'll have your own opinions but my allegiance rests with A team not A conference...

If one were to route for Florida last night then they are inevitably signing high school recruits' letters of intent for them to more than likely go to Florida over their team...if it came down to a Florida and Tennessee.

I want to see our conference considered a great conference BUT it already will never fall into the ranks of a SUN BELT or WAC conference so don't worry...It comes down to after the season ends...and to :horse: it inevitably falls to RECRUITING!

Let's just see how many recruits choose Tennessee over LSU or Florida...Recruits that were really deciding between these schools. This is where cheering for the conference instead of your team goes horribly wrong for your team the next season(s) and following... :twocents:

I tried to tell you guys but no one wanted to listen. I think its because no one actually thought FLA could win.
Agree 100% Percent.

This NC win will give Florida tons of awesome talent for years to come...
Florida would get talent, either way. Their, what, three consecutive, 5-loss seasons didn't seem to hurt recruiting for their 2006 team.
Did anyone here think Florida's recruiting would just die off if they lost? Remember, A majority of those players were recruited by Ron Zook.

how, or why, is Zook such a good recruiter?

i mean he has 5* star talents coming to illinois
did CPF's NC boost recruiting? was he able to clean out Florida and Texas? or did he pick up a couple of recruits that may have been wavering before the Fiesta Bowl that year?

oh wait...yeah...the recruiting boom at UT resulted in...what...SEC runner up...a couple nice bowl wins and a couple humiliating losses to Maryland and Clemson...
Checked the 2007 rivals rankings lately? Or is it some year in the future that the Florida NC will come back to haunt us? I'm personally not worried about florida winning it all as being the reason that the Vols might fail in the future.

If you don't wanna pull for the Gators, thats fine. Just don't pick strawman argument to support you're view.

i never could understand this rooting for your conference teams, especially from vol fans whenever the football team has a habit of sending Georgia and Florida to a SEC title game. Florida for one has halted Tennessee's progress more times than I care to remember, so why in the hell would you want them to win the NC so they can then steal some of the Vols recruits??? You tellin me you guys even cheered for Spurrier in 1996 whenever the last went for the NC? gimme a break, cheer for the SEC no thanks!!

exactly, most wouldn't think it, but fulmer is a very good recruiter. maybe not the best coach, but his recruiting ability is what at least kept us as a top 25 team.

to the original post, i agree in some terms, but at the same time, while we(SEC) know we're good, no every one else agrees. i'm in louisville, so i get a lot of louisville, ohio st, michigan fans who think the sec is overated and stuff, and that oh the big ten. i love the fact that we can send 9 of 12 to bowls, and get people to realize u can't match the sec's speed. plus, it makes us look better. yeah, we can go 9-4, but we can say we played in the tough sec. not to mention we took uf to the gun, and just lost by one
UT, OSU, Mich, and numerous other programs recruit the same players and often the same guys in Florida. UT has gone head to head with ND this year more than UF.

UF has an advantage with many players in their home state regardless of what happens. They grow up UF, FSU, or Miami fans for the most part. Players from Florida interested in UT know all about SEC football and are unlikely to be swayed by the NC.

Their win probably won't hurt UT. In fact, UT doesn't seem to be going head to head with UF on many players at all. There are more with LSU but Fisher leaving doesn't help them and Chavis is just as credible as Pelini.

UF's win could very well help the whole conference and UT in particular. If you are a great recruit and you can play for the national champion and be almost assured of sitting for 3 years or you can sign with the team that lost to the NC by 1 point and have a shot to play within the first two years... which would you choose?

BTW, FSU isn't dead... especially now that they have an OC.
It is the first time I talk about our performance in OUTBACK bowl

I thought Bama and Arkansas would possibly be the only two lossing teams in the bowl games. THey should lose for some obvious reasons. But I did not expect that UT would lose to a Vandy-like team. There is not exaggeration here. Every time when I see SEC people try to prove SEC’s toughness, I feel shameful about our performance in outback bowl. It is UT that did not get the job done.

I want to post here that SEC is way batter than any other conference in the nation. But sorry, I just can't. Maybe you will argue that our poor performance does not change the toughness in SEC. That is true. But I just feel a loser can't speak out as he wants. I will wait until UT crushes his opponent next year, in a BCS bowl game
The SEC was the best conference. You're only looking at the flaws here.

Was the ACC? Nope. They were bad.

BE? Nope. They ended up deeper but not better.

Pac10? Nope. One horse show again.

Big12? Nope. It's a conference normally dominated by 2-3 at the top... still was. They just weren't very good either. Tex, OU, and Neb... none were very good teams.

Big 10? Nope. PSU beat UT with UT giving them 10 pts and playing poorly all around. Arkansas dominated Wisconsin everywhere except the score board. One of the Big 10's best rushing teams was held to negative yardage while Arkansas ran up over 200 rushing.

Michigan was trounced. OSU was so overrated it isn't funny. Jarvis Moss said he thought there were 4 or 5 other SEC teams that could've stopped OSU like they did... and I think he's probably right.

Usually I would say the Big 10 is the best top to bottom. Not this year and probably not in the future. The talent and now the coaching in the SEC top to bottom is the best.

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