This seems to be an interesting tidbit.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
According to a 2006 Department of Justice report, “Today, Jamaat ul-Fuqra has more than 35 suspected communes and more than 3,000 members spread across the United States, all in support of one goal: the purification of Islam through violence.”


And older map, proably about 2000.
I saw something about this last night. I was busy and didn't catch everything, from what I did catch local authorities have their hands tied. Looks like they have a presence right in my backyard as well. Anyone know where in Mid Tennessee these guys are located?
I saw something about this last night. I was busy and didn't catch everything, from what I did catch local authorities have their hands tied. Looks like they have a presence right in my backyard as well. Anyone know where in Mid Tennessee these guys are located?

There was something like that here in this county several years ago. Everything was all hush hush about it. They tried to keep a very low profile. But it wasn't like they didn't attract plenty of attention.

Some group came in an put up cyclone fences and were reported by rumor to have plenty of small arms and be very suspicious acting with lots of nice new vehicles.

Rumor has it that the local sheriff encouraged them to move elsewhere and that is what happened. I need to ask around about that, I had forgotten.

Here is another tidbit, from England.

Any person, however ennobled, who threatens to bring a horde of 10,000 Muslims upon Parliament in order to stifle debate and bully it into submission is no ‘moderate’. By threatening this, Lord Ahmed has shown himself to be one of the very extremists he purports to eschew, committed to the same ideology as those who seek to impose Shari’a law upon the UK and subjugate the kuffar to the will of Allah.

Lord Ahmed is quilty of treason.
"If any person whatsoever shall, within the United Kingdom... order to put any force or constraint upon or in order to intimidate or overawe both Houses or either House of Parliament... and such compassings, imaginations, inventions, devices, or intentions, or any of them, shall express, utter, or declare, by publishing any printing or writing... or by any overt act or deed, every person so offending shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be be transported beyond the seas for the term or his or her natural life."

Lord Ahmed, has not only taken aim at Salmon Rushdie and Dutch MP Geert Wilders for exposing global Islamic Jihad but is openly advocating the arrest of British Jews who support Israel.

Lord Ahmed represents Sharia law, not English law.
He is a direct and immediate threat to democracy and freedom in the UK. He must be removed from Parliament.


Lord Ahmed is proving to be one of the ulitimate "sleeper" agents in penetrating British society.

According to Al-Qaeda : The 39 Principles of Holy War, Lord Ahmed may very well be following principle 17. " Providing strategic advice to the Mujahideen - This can be translated in many ways including the supply of essential information on the enemy and his plans in order to be well prepared."

And principle 24. "Keeping steady, consistent contact with scholars and preachers in order to update them about the current happenings in connection with the Mujahideen. The believer is asked to assist Islamic scholars who on certain occasion are under government pressure or influenced by false information. He has to update them regularly with reliable information, to support them and urge them to persist with the call to Jihad."


Melanie Phillips of the Spectator says: "So let’s get this straight. The British government allows people to march through British streets screaming support for Hamas, it allows Hizb ut Tahrir to recruit on campus for the jihad against Britain and the west, it takes no action against a Muslim peer who threatens mass intimidation of Parliament, but it bans from the country a member of parliament of a European democracy who wishes to address the British Parliament on the threat to life and liberty in the west from religious fascism.

It is he, not them, who is considered a ‘serious threat to one of the fundamental interests of society’. Why? Because the result of this stand for life and liberty against those who would destroy them might be an attack by violent thugs. The response is not to face down such a threat of violence but to capitulate to it instead.


The way things are going in liberal Britian, Melanie will either have her throat cut or be arrested for hate speech!!

We all need to remember a few things;

1) We won our freedom from the British, we don't have to follow their idiotic liberal path.

2) The American revolution in no way involved Karl Marx,
on the contrary, he wrote his confusing bull crap while being supported by the aristocracy and his whole body of work has to do with returning to feudalism.

3) Every country in the world who has adopted Marx as their bible, has come to rack and ruin.

4) When any free society that has adopted appeasement to radical forces as public policy, has either completely capitulated to those forces or had to fight a war to throw them off.

5) America had a long relatively peaceful relationship with the world of Islam because he fought rather than pay ransom to them, that is the only thing they respect.

6) Islam has openly declared war on America for nearly a hundred years, and we pretend it isn't so.

7) Islam was in league with the fascist forces in WWII and have not stopped their end of the fight, they may have tried to keep a low profile at times and used duplicity in public stances but their goal is still the same and have said so; "We mean to conquer America."

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one" -- Edmund Burke)


Adeimantus came to discover a dark and ominous secret: "without proper moral conditioning a regime's 'defining principle' will be the source of its ultimate destruction. "

"No people will tamely surrender their liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when people are universally ignorant, and debauched in their manners, they will sink under their own weight without the aid of foreign Invaders."
Samuel Adams 1775

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