Tidefans.com Article

Pitiful. Funny how they spend thier time boo hooing about the "conspiracy", rather than actually talking about football. You almost feel sorry for them.

Man, I have a world of respect for the SEC, but Bama drags you guys down now. They used to be a pillar of college football, now they are just a side show.
Quite funny....BAMA fans are the victims now!!! Remember all the arrogant BAMA fans in the plaid jackets with the roll of toilet paper and Tide box on a stick that used to come to Tennessee games in the 1970's and 1980's and spit racial slurs and insults to anyone who looked at them (including grandmothers and six year old kids) and brag about "the Bear this...the Bear that...blah...blah...blah" between sips of whiskey! They wonder why Tennessee fans dislike them! Bear Bryant was the architect of cheat recruiting and could have wrote the textbook on the subject. I'm a Tennessee fan and grad, I know every SEC school cheats with maybe the exception on Vandy. When we were the doormat that BAMA ran over every season for almost 20 years I don't recall UT fans acting this way towards them! If the Bear was the coach down there today none of this crap would be going on, he would see all this whinning as an insult to the integrity of the BAMA program. Of course 99% of the UT bashers probably never played organized football just like most of the BAMA bashers on here. I love Tennessee Football, SEC Football and college football in general and all this negative crap out of Tuscaloosa is only hurting BAMA's recruiting.
Now you guys see hwat I have to deal with on a daily basis. Stupid is as stupid does!
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Jan 29, 2005 10:10 AM
Now you guys see hwat I have to deal with on a daily basis. Stupid is as stupid does!

BHAMVOLFAN, I live here in Birmingham also, (work at UAB actually) and all the 'water cooler' talk about how UT cheated is unbearable. Yet when asked how they cheated, no one can really give a good example except for the canned Gallion retoric.

They keep telling themselves the same thing over and over they have bought into it and actually believe everything they hear. If Gallion and his monkeys came out tommorow and said the NCAA encouraged cheating at UT - bammers would believe it. because after all, Gallion said it. It's pitiful. Again, you almost feel sorry for them.
Ive Been Banned From Their Site.......They didnt like the fact that I had no sympathy for where their program is or where its headed. Basiclly I told them to kiss :shakeit:
BamaNation First Team

Join Date: May 2002
Location: atlanta ga usa
Posts: 427 Yeah and ........They suck as much as Awburnt.

LMAOOOOOOOO!!!!! If us and Auburn both suck....then what does that make them? Both those team beat them this year...LOL....They're stupid

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