Tidewater Virginia Vol Fans


Big Vol Nasty

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
This might get moved but......

I have to go to Norfolk, VA area for Thanksgiving, and I'll be up there through Sunday.

So those of you (I hope theres someone) from the area know a bar or some establishment that shows Tennessee games or just anywhere I can watch it?

I checked the Alumni pages and there's not a chapter in the Tidewater area. Which surprised me because there is a load of people there. Anyway....

I've watched every game this year and want to keep the streak intact. Cal Ripken style.

'Preciate it.
I live in the tidewater area and depending on where you are staying I can help you find a place to watch the game.
I would either go to Baxter's or AJ Gators on Granby St. Both are almost next to each other in downtown Norfolk. Watched the Vandy Game from AJ Gators, I've seen many games from Baxter's. Baxter's is more upscale, Gators is more of an exciting atmosphere. I sat w/ about 6 other Vol Fans for the Vandy game. Warning though, while it's never come up when I'm there, I'm pretty sure AJ Gators was started by Gator fans... There's like 7 of them in the southside
Yes the game will be on Channel 4. They have started showing the SEC games this year locally. Thank Goodness.
do the SEC Games at 12:30 pm with the Dave tripletts. that is about the only thing in this area that has the SEC on it. there is not any CSS that is on the dish without having to pay extra for it. watched the memphis and vandy games on channel 4. can't even get the VOL network here in Virginia beach :crazy:

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