Tim Tebow

That is the best thing that I have ever seen.........That is awesome someone needs to make about 10,000 copies of that and put them on posters to hold during the game......Get that on National TV hahahaha
it's a shame that some one would take some really good looking girl's head off and replace it with his. i wish i could see the original picture.
it's a shame that some one would take some really good looking girl's head off and replace it with his. i wish i could see the original picture.

this is to help people cope with their "bromance" with Tim Tebow, helps them feel less gay.
this is to help people cope with their "bromance" with Tim Tebow, helps them feel less gay.

HA HA OMG, I have to joke with some of my buddies here in Gainesville about that one. The way everybody talks about their Teblow "man-crush" here makes me sick. Flamers....and they criticize us for liking Manning so much. At least Manning's skills are worthy of the praise he gets. In 10 years Tebow will only be a college football memory and an NFL bust.

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