Time for VN to reach down and grab a pair if ya got'em



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
We are 3, three, THREE games removed from Dooley ball, with one of the best young coaches in the NCAA working with kids who have spent their college career with coaches who tolerated a quitter's mentality. WE all knew the likely outcome today and there is no shame it it, Oregon is that good. One things for certain there will be a great deal of soul searching occurring in the training room Monday morning. Butch Jones is not one to tolerate the beat down suffered today. Anyone who has ever strapped on a helmet knows what is about to happen on the practice field this week and it "ain't a goin' to be purty." Have some faith.

Mods delete if this is inappropriate but it certainly needs to be said.:salute:
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We sucked today, and if we don't get any better prepare to lose to Mizoo and Vandy.

4-8 if we don't make big improvement.
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Week by week brick by brick. Try to win each game count em up at the end and hope for some BBQ in Memphis for the liberty bowl.
The rebuilding of a program does not follow a 90 degree angle, but rather a slow curve. Patience. We will take our lumps through this, but when we get there it will be that much sweeter.
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The first fix is arm strength so we can have a passing game. Next fix is some wheels at QB so defenses will respect the zone read game with the QB running with it not always handing it off. We punted the ball a few times when I think we should have gone for it...then Worley really blew some pass plays to help keep us in there. After that I still think we have enough talent to hang with the rest of the teams on our schedule except Bama and Georgia. It will take a team like Bama, LSU, or Georgia with to beat Oregon....so I don't consider what happened today anything more than a lesson in humility....and a reminder to the elite recruits that if you believe in CBJ's vision and dream then we have a spot and playing time for you and soon.
Go root for some1 else good lord. We werent going to beat oregon. Theyr no2 for a reason. We arent goin to be a 4 win team. If u think that donate ur orange to some1 who cares and go buy some red it aparently is easy from all the other bandwagoners 1 bad game this yr and people wantn to jump. Hell go
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