I've generally thought we need someone who has head coached before but Kara would be my one exception to that. Not only do I think she'd be worth the gamble, the more I think of it, the more perfect it is.
As all have noted, Kara's smart, tough, poised, successful and an LV legend to boot (there you go mythical old guard) . Temperamentally, she's much more the natural successor to Pat than Holly is. Remember how she came to be an LV? Against the wishes of her Dad, a career military officer, who wanted her to go to Stanford, I believe. Total focus and metal toughness even in those circumstances. Remember focus and mental toughness?
The return of Kara would probably bring the crowds back and rekindle flagging interest in the program far faster than any other new coach, especially if the team becomes competitive again. I also think she'd be a natural on the recruiting trail, well known, well spoken, right age (37), and tons of game cred as a 12 yr WNBAer.
BUT I don't want to go all Peyton on this; maybe when she says she doesn't want to coach she actually means it. This article did give me hope on that front tho, she seemed to enjoy the 3 on 3 experience, maybe it will get in her blood.
I know this sounds crazy but at this point I really believe we have to move on to the next coach even if its the next bad coach. Kara would def be worth the gamble IMO, we have to move forward.