To the tide fans (who show up), good game


General Jack

Sep 28, 2004
You guys have a better defense than I gave you credit for. Great game, exactly what should be expected for Alabama versus Tennessee.

See you next year in 'bama. Good luck with Auburn.

I also want to say to the Bama faithful that I am impressed with your team. I didn't stop holding my breath till that last interception.
Bama fans, I must give y'all credit. Y'all gave us a run for our money. I was very impressed by your defense and running.
Great game, true to tradition.

A couple of gripes. . . .VERY disappointing to those in attendance (and likely unknown to those who watched on TV):

During the pregame, the Alabama band played OVER the Alma Mater. Excuse me, but I spent 4 of the best years of my life on The Hill, and last I checked, that's plain rude.

Also, at halftime, Bammer sent out the kicking squad to practice field goals WHILE our band was playing. Ran right out between us and set up shop. The refs had to come over and tell them to get off the field. Strike two.

We already despise Bama more than a root canal, and to come into another team's stadium and act so poorly speaks very little for the class of the program. I mean, come on, let's hate each other with some respect! :wassup:

On that subject, anyone see the lone banner at the Ole Miss game that read "Don't Feed Phil"? Many of the fans around me there (from Oxford) agreed that it was in very poor taste, especially on national TV.
speaking of officials...i felt the officials in this game weernt very impressive, lots of conferences slowing the game down...very tenitive
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Oct 23, 2004 10:01 PM
On that subject, anyone see the lone banner at the Ole Miss game that read "Don't Feed Phil"? Many of the fans around me there (from Oxford) agreed that it was in very poor taste, especially on national TV.

Well, I do say that's pretty rude, but the part of me that laughs at un-PC humor thinks that's pretty funny. Maybe I just watch too mutch Viva La Bam.

Running out between the band to set up kick practice? What the hell?
Saw it with my own eyes. The ref actually picked up the balls and took them to the sideline.
Doc you are forgetting about before the game even started. The band had just finished its "Class Act" salute to Alabama by playing their fight song. :thumbsup: Then they proceded to play "Stars and Stripes Forever" They form the big U S A on the field and the Alabmama players pick this time to Run onto the field. :bs: Many of them going through the A. I didnt realize it until I looked at the pictures this morning, but the majorettes couldn't do their routine at the same time because bammer kickers were on the field then. Real Classy bammer. :shakehead:

I tailgated with Bama fans, partied with Bama fans and one even stayed in my house. They are the classiest fans you will meet (except for that dumb redneck woman who flipped everyone off as she left the stadium) and that was a great game.

But to all of the bammer extremists HA HA WE BEAT YOU AGAIN!
I saw that too, AV. Hey, none of this crap was the fans' fault. But it REALLY makes the coaching staff look rude -- they know what's going on and when and where the players are going on the field. 'Course, it's Bama, so are you surprised? :moon2:
Very good game Bummers. :p

I also was very impressed with your defense! They shut us down for most of the game, they have my respect for sure.

It's hard to believe that was your second tailback, very nice! :good:

Great game, see you next year.
anybody who watched this game and the Georgia and Florida game and says the SEC isn't the best conference in the nation is either blind or nuts! :ph34r:

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