To VolBeef88


Crimson Raider

Junior Member
Oct 24, 2004
Hey Guy!!!! Sorry I took so long to reply, but been rather busy. As I said GREAT GAME and there will be many more to come in the coming year's. :D :D :D . Just like to say that when you come to our POST that most of us are just PLAIN OLD FAN"S and we enjoy the back and forth jesting. Wish I could do something about the one's that have no CLASS, but I guess you already know that they're on all FORUM'S.Anyway it's FUN going back and forth with you and I honestly wish ya'll the best for the rest of the YEAR. :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

Always Bleed Crimson :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
You bet. And truly welcome to the volnation. I enjoy ya'lls board quite a bit too. I learn alot about what is going on by getting the other sides opinion and expectations. I don't take any offense and I hope the few that go over board on ya'lls don't make you look down on the rest of us.
GO VOLS!!!!!
welcome back.... it was a great game.... I hope our o-line takes some notes from you guys that right guard of yours sure canpull and open some holes... and Darby is gonna be hell to deal with 4 the next 2 years.... anyway good luck and take it to Auburn! :ph34r:

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