Tom Cotton



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
OK, I've seen enough. This guy is lost.

China Invasion Of Taiwan Means War With US, Tom Cotton Argues | ZeroHedge

"Replace strategic ambiguity with strategic clarity that the United States will come to the aid of Taiwan if China was to forcefully invade Taiwan or otherwise change the status quo across the [Taiwan] Strait," Cotton added.

The hawkish senator said the US should establish "red lines" for China that would "require a response" from Washington. Examples of Cotton’s red lines include China seizing Taiwanese-claimed islands, a Chinese invasion of a regional ally like India, or if Beijing permits an attack on US troops or allies by North Korea.

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Its inevitable. China is making major moves and nobody seems to give a damn about it

They are even more emboldened since Biden was elected. Bejing Biden won't do anything to upset his son and brothers cash flow
If only there was some way to see this coming. Something that might have made the news.
Its inevitable. China is making major moves and nobody seems to give a damn about it

They are even more emboldened since Biden was elected. Bejing Biden won't do anything to upset his son and brothers cash flow
Let Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Australia and India sort it out over there.
Its inevitable. China is making major moves and nobody seems to give a damn about it

They are even more emboldened since Biden was elected. Bejing Biden won't do anything to upset his son and brothers cash flow
The US will never fight a direct war with China. It would bankrupt us and would likely lead to ww3 and mutually agreed destruction. Korea/Vietnam is the closest we'll ever come and that was too close.
The US will never fight a direct war with China. It would bankrupt us and would likely lead to ww3 and mutually agreed destruction. Korea/Vietnam is the closest we'll ever come and that was too close.

Wars are fought in more ways than with troops and arms

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