Tony Kornheiser -vs- Skip Bayless


Billy Costigan

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010


which guy do you think is better?
Kornheiser gets annoying over time. Bayless seems to have been born that way
I think Kornheiser is more genuine with his answers. Bayless will do whatever it takes to get a rise out of people.

And that's the double edge sword that I respect and dislike about Tony. Sometimes I don't think he thinks his answer through, but is insistent that he's right because his answers are genuine. This mainly bothers me when he's passing judgment with regard to management moves, and off the field stuff.
You mean Skip "I'm a Vandy grad when it's convenient, but the rest of the time I'm a Sooners fan" Bayless?

I think TK is pretty funny most of the time.
TK has a very New York view of the world, in that the five boroughs and Long Island are bigger than everything else west of the Hudson. I get a kick out of that.
TK is alright, but Skip is completely unbearable. Wish he'd go the route of Mariotti
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Bayless acted like a total queen when defending Jay Cutler on First and Ten today. That alone put Kornheiser far, far ahead.
Bayless makes a fool out of himself on a daily basis.

Today, he emphatically said that the Yankees backed into the playoffs.
Not at all what he said, but the bit about Cutler was incredible.

He said the exact words that the Yankees backed into the playoffs.

I know he was just whining about how they played scrubs against the Rays, but he did say those exact words IIRC.

Not a huge Bayless fan, but I will admit I watch him on days when I'm home at the time

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