Tony McDaniel



Senior Member
Jul 10, 2004
1. Was in court today and pleaded guilty to misdemeaner assault. Sentenced to 11 months 29 days probation, court cost and medical restitution
2. The university suspended Tony for 1 semester retroactive to the summer session and he loses all hours accumailated this summer. Has to write letters of apology and is on probation the rest of his time at UT.
He is eligible to be in school this fall and can play football
3. Fulmer now has to hand down his punishment and it looks like Tony will not play the first 2 games.
Could be worse; we might need his depth and his lethal elbow to the face in Baton Rouge against LSU in game number 3
Originally posted by IBleedOrange24/7@Jul 28, 2005 6:02 PM
Didnt CPF pull his scholarship, and told him to get a job, pay his own ride?

Your thinking of Daniel Brooks and Corey Campbell.
McDaniel gets probation for throwing punch Associated Press

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- Tennessee defensive tackle Tony McDaniel pleaded guilty Thursday to hitting a student in the face during a pickup basketball game in January.

McDaniel, suspended since the incident, will be allowed to return to the team, but coach Phillip Fulmer announced that McDaniel will have to sit out the first two games of the season, complete community service, attend anger management counseling and abide by a curfew for the fall semester.

"He is a good young man that made a bad decision and now has a second chance to move forward. I hope and feel he will take advantage of it," Fulmer said.

McDaniel made a deal with prosecutors to have the original felony charge reduced to misdemeanor assault. He was sentenced to 11 months and 29 days but was placed on immediate probation and isn't expected to spend any time in jail.

Knox County Criminal Court Judge Ray Jenkins told McDaniel that he will remain under supervised probation until he pays restitution to the victim.

McDaniel was charged with aggravated assault in January and could have faced up to six years if convicted under the felony charge.

His case was also dealt with by the university, which placed him on indefinite probation. He was suspended for the summer school sessions and is not allowed to enter the student recreation center where the fight took place, school officials said.

The 6-foot-7, 295-pound McDaniel was accused of hitting Edward Goodrich, a 26-year-old student. Goodrich testified during a hearing in April that the punch broke his face in four places and doctors had to insert a metal plate to treat his injuries.

McDaniel declined to be interviewed after the hearing. His attorney, Don Bosch, said he was very pleased with the outcome.

"We appreciate Mr. Goodrich's position and, frankly, the seriousness of his injuries. This is a very serious matter that was unintended by Tony. We're going to make this right with Mr. Goodrich," Bosch said.

McDaniel, who will be a junior this fall, made his first career start for Tennessee in the Volunteers' 38-7 win over Texas A&M in the Cotton Bowl.

The defensive tackle is one of 13 Tennessee players who have been either arrested or cited for crimes ranging from aggravated assault to underage drinking since February

Yea, me on that one.
So much has went on between the Bowl and now, Its easier to name the guys that stayed out of trouble.

Nows the time, to buckle down and focus!
I agree with the victim here. I think Mcdaniel should have been kicked off the team permanently. He did a lot more then Schaeffer did, who suffered that fate.

Mcdaniel has disfigured the guy to some degree, and the guy will have to live with pain for the rest of his life of having a metal plate surgically placed in his face.

Mcdaniel is facing maybe mising 2 games??

I'm a UT fan, but I dont want players like that on the team. :no:
Wrong and you can take that to the bank,
More than Schaeffer? I don't think so. 1. McDaniel attended class Schaeffer did not 2. McDaniel is a student in good standing, Schaeffer almost flunked out. 3. McDaniel always attended team and position meetings, Schaeffer did not. 4. McDaniel isn't late to practice or meetings, Schaeffer was continually.
I am glad McDaniel is still on the team and allowed to play. The guy "attacked" here was 26 years old and had been instagating all afternoon. Do you seriously think the man would have allowed the charges to be lowered (And he did have to agree to them) if he wasn't at some fault in this matter? Remember this the Defense Attorney, the District Attorney, and both parties had to agree to this. The difference in degree of injury is the difference in a 200 pound QB and a 310 pound DT. This also leaves open a potential civil suit.
Fans that don't want McDaniel on the team don't need to be rooting for UT. The guy made a mistake and some people want to guillotine them. i guess your perfect and never made a mistake. McDaniel did something stupid and he knows it but the other guy also did something stupid and they will both have to live with it. The Attorneys and the Administrative law judge knows more than most and they did what was right.
Because he knows he's going to get sued he better be our best player so he can make the bucks in the big time. I have played in 1000's of pick-up BBall games and if I would have slugged every person who got on my nerves I would have slugged 1000 guys and maybe a couple of girls. I dislike cheap shots and if I was the coach he would have gotten the boot. I would hate to see this guy with road rage.

In 430 B.C., the philosopher Sophocles wrote this fictional account in Oedipus Rex:

But as this charioteer lurched over towards me
I struck him in my rage. The old man saw me
And brought his double goad down upon my head
As I came abreast. He was paid back, and more!
Swinging my club in this right hand I knocked him
Out of his car, and he rolled on the ground.
I killed him…. I killed them all.
Originally posted by Vol67@Jul 30, 2005 3:49 PM
" Wrong and you can take that to the bank,
More than Schaeffer? I don't think so. 1. McDaniel attended class Schaeffer did not 2. McDaniel is a student in good standing, Schaeffer almost flunked out. 3. McDaniel always attended team and position meetings, Schaeffer did not. 4. McDaniel isn't late to practice or meetings, Schaeffer was continually.
I am glad McDaniel is still on the team and allowed to play. The guy "attacked" here was 26 years old and had been instagating all afternoon. Do you seriously think the man would have allowed the charges to be lowered (And he did have to agree to them) if he wasn't at some fault in this matter? Remember this the Defense Attorney, the District Attorney, and both parties had to agree to this. The difference in degree of injury is the difference in a 200 pound QB and a 310 pound DT. This also leaves open a potential civil suit. "

So since this guy was "instigating" that gives Mcdaniel the right to break the guys face in 3 places???????????  How do you possibly justify that?
There is no justification for that at all. Period.    :bad:

Second, the guy has already been quoted in the paper as saying he though Mcdaniel got off to easy. So whywould he be saying that if he thought it was ok?????    :dunno:

Fans that don't want McDaniel on the team don't need to be rooting for UT.

Who the hell are you to be telling anyone who should be rooting for the team or not????  Dont tell me who should be rooting for the team or not.  :realmad:

The guy made a mistake and some people want to guillotine them. i guess your perfect and never made a mistake. McDaniel did something stupid and he knows it but the other guy also did something stupid and they will both have to live with it. The Attorneys and the Administrative law judge knows more than most and they did what was right.

The guy didnt just make a mistake, the guy ruined someone face for life. How would you like to go the rest of your life with a plate in your face, and scars from surgery???? Just because McDaniel cant control his temper?? :nono:
Originally posted by Vol67@Jul 30, 2005 3:49 PM
I am glad McDaniel is still on the team and allowed to play. The guy "attacked" here was 26 years old and had been instagating all afternoon.

Sounds like the keg throwing at UF last yr...I was glad he was kicked off the team myself though.
Yep the 26 year can use cheap shots and that is fine with all of you well guess what He's still on the team HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Originally posted by Vol67@Jul 30, 2005 5:14 PM
Yep the 26 year can use cheap shots and that is fine with all of you well guess what He's still on the team HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I wouldn't think you would be proud of that 67.
It is a bit surprising, the stance he is taking.

But I don't think McDaniel should be off the team, and I do agree that Schaeffer was a worse case. Just shocked at the tone that 67 is taking.
If some on here would care to learn the facts but obviously they done want to so I will take that stance.

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