Top QBs Battle it out at Super 7 QB Camp



I'm the master of my fate
Nov 7, 2008
I found this interesting - especially the QBs chosen to compete.

Steve Clarkson and Joe Montana are putting a Super 7 QB camp together that will highlight this years elite QBs in search for the next great QB - it will be in Maui, Hawaii and will be televised for a reality show.

Here are the QBs chosen to compete:

Chase Rettig
Barry Brunetti
Black Bell
Phillip Sims
Nick Montana
Austin Hinder
Andrew Manley
Trevor Gretzky

Here is a link:
Varsity Kansas - The Blog Blog Archive Blake Bell to Maui for a quarterbacks academy
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Now thats some funny stuff! Didn't know Black Beard had a son that age!!!


Montana can kiss my :shaking2:
I'm sorry, I just did a google search and couldn't find anything. Who is Black Bell or Black Beard or whoever this kid's dad is supposed to be?
trevor gretzky is the jv qb at nick montanas school imo they will both be bust in collage but the star wr is will smiths son and he is a beast
Andrew Manley (Man) is supposed to be among them.
That's cool, cause he looked pretty good in this clip (hard to tell much..but still)

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Chase Rettig is also there:

Chase Rettig
Strengths: Rettig has a big, powerful arm. He is starting to develop some touch at times. He has good size and upside for quality frame development. A deceptively good athlete, Rettig has solid feet and moves well in the pocket.

Areas for improvement: Rettig must stand tall as a passer. He drops low and sets up low, which negates his naturally good height. He must continue to change ball speeds and improve his drops from center and his footwork.

Steve Clarkson's Super Seven event showcases elite 2010 QB prospects - ESPN

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