Troll online/Troll offline

Not surprising people who like to troll have that desire irl and not just online.

What is surprising is how some fight like mad dogs online but are very laid back, chill, and uncontroversial irl. I have communicated with a few people on this forum who have a very different online persona compared to their real life one. Not saying it is bad. Probably just fun to have an outlet where they can let their hair down so to speak.
Not surprising people who like to troll have that desire irl and not just online.

What is surprising is how some fight like mad dogs online but are very laid back, chill, and uncontroversial irl. I have communicated with a few people on this forum who have a very different online persona compared to their real life one. Not saying it is bad. Probably just fun to have an outlet where they can let their hair down so to speak.
I do try to be an equal opportunity troll but for me so much is lost by written exchange only. So I think we amp up our game. 🤷‍♂️

Since you miss out on my aural and visual technique and all you get it written I gotta amp up my written game to keep the troll level constant. 😎
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I think personality and temperament have a great deal to do with trolling. I have noticed in my coworkers who are always fighting online are always arguing or fighting at work. Just kinda goes hand in hand.
I think it’s because their parents didn’t love them enough thus they are always caustic and contrary because they think they are being “edgy” when in reality the rest of the board has nothing but pity and laughing at them
I think it’s because their parents didn’t love them enough thus they are always caustic and contrary because they think they are being “edgy” when in reality the rest of the board has nothing but pity and laughing at them
I just kinda look at them sideways and don’t respond to their gossip or hatefulness. It puzzles them more.
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You don't know me.

And interesting that you picked only left-leaning folks as trolls. Says a lot about your warped sense of self (or lack of self-awareness, as the case may be)
You forgot to mention that Trump is the reason you were named. You can’t make a post without mentioning your daddy.
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I've tried to troll a few times. Posters sniff it out immediately.

Imma bad troll.
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Maybe this is the exception rather than the rule, but I’ve seen the opposite phenomenon occur quite a lot. I know people who will troll, say horrible things, and cuss people out over politics on social media, but when you talk to them in person they’re the nicest person you’ve ever met.
Maybe this is the exception rather than the rule, but I’ve seen the opposite phenomenon occur quite a lot. I know people who will troll, say horrible things, and cuss people out over politics on social media, but when you talk to them in person they’re the nicest person you’ve ever met.

It is easy to act like a DBAG while on your computer.

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