Trooper Taylor Named One Of Top 25 Recr

also that reciver (not gonna even try to spell his name). plus hes a big reason why morley is coming to.
Tim Kish, Arizona
Any time a team finishes with a losing record and signs a top 25 class, somebody is responsible, and Kish was a huge part of it by owning the Valley of the Sun.

That ones too true. I can't help but thinking "How in the hell...?" Every time I see their name in the top 25 recruiting classes.
troop is quickly becoming one of my favorite coaches in any sport.......for some reason i just love the of my friends went to school with him and baylor and said he's a great guy
i dont know much about this recruiter but THEY BETTER LET HIM HANDLE THAT BUSINESS FROM NOW ON
Trooper Taylor is the man. I remember we lost a very good recruiter to UGA about 5 years ago. Looks like we've found the guy to take his place, only he's better. Congrats to Trooper.
Yea, we lost Rodney Garner to UGA. We cannot let someone come in and grab Trooper from us anytime soon.

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