Trooper Taylor

Man I love Trooper.

I've been complaining for years that we needed to bring in some new blood to reinvigorate the program and spread some new ideas. We get that with Trooper, plus we get a much needed recruiting guru to replace what we lost when Rodney Garner left for Georgia.

Thanx Bhamvol,
Im huge on TT, He is a ball of fire!
I know the sidelines are all buisness, instead of a slap on the tail or pat on the helmet. TT is always 2 or 3 yards onto the field to celebrate and encourage the players.
He IMO was very much needed, Not only for the team/staff but as a top 25 recruiter.... :bow:
That is some really great reading.............We get to see inside of the man called Trooper Taylor................and if Tenn don't keep him they need to get their head examine................ :td: :3cheers:
Nothing against CRS, But he always has the look of a serious IBS condition. He spits, then retains his "omg i shouldnt have ate them garlic covered deviled eggs" for pregame. I know its his buisness, and i am glad he takes it serious. But buisness is buisness, and the Buisness is good.......Take notes from Trooper' enjoy the life and the game!
Sorry, looks like the Halls Shopper replaced the former Marvin West article with the current Marvin West article. The new one is a good read too! Marvin does the Vols a great job.
Originally posted by QBvol7@Jul 30, 2005 10:03 AM
Trooper's name was never mentioned in that article

Do a search for "Trooper". Several nice articles on him.

Originally posted by IBleedOrange24/7@Jul 30, 2005 3:22 AM
Nothing against CRS, But he always has the look of a serious IBS condition. He spits, then retains his "omg i shouldnt have ate them garlic covered deviled eggs" for pregame. I know its his buisness, and i am glad he takes it serious. But buisness is buisness, and the Buisness is good.......Take notes from Trooper' enjoy the life and the game!

Nothing against Trooper, but while Troop is out on the field high-fiving and chest-bumping, someone has to be doing the serious work of deciding, in those crucial few seconds after each play, what the next move, the next strategy, be that offensive or defensive, will be.

Not everyone on the sideline has the luxury of celebrating after a play.
Originally posted by OldVol@Jul 30, 2005 10:57 AM
Nothing against Trooper, but while Troop is out on the field high-fiving and chest-bumping, someone has to be doing the serious work of deciding, in those crucial few seconds after each play, what the next move, the next strategy, be that offensive or defensive, will be.

Not everyone on the sideline has the luxury of celebrating after a play.

Good point, but I dont think Troop would be doing that if he had more responsibility and decision making.
I understand you are old school OldVol, but surely you are not "against" Trooper's attitude. I mean "while he was celebrating" last season, we had the schools FIRST EVER two 1000 yard rushers in the same season.

I find that pretty damn amazing. He can chest bump and celebrate all he wants as long as he keeps that up.
I think the mix of personalities is great, we don't need a sideline full of all business and we don't need a sideline full of chest bumping. Trooper is someone who probably relates with the players a little better, but the business as usual attitude is also needed.
Originally posted by QBvol7@Jul 30, 2005 11:12 AM
Good point, but I dont think Troop would be doing that if he had more responsibility and decision making.

Then folks would be saying, "Trooper needs to show more emotion."

Originally posted by BeltwayVol@Jul 30, 2005 11:28 AM
I understand you are old school OldVol, but surely you are not "against" Trooper's attitude.  I mean "while he was celebrating" last season, we had the schools FIRST EVER two 1000 yard rushers in the same season.

I find that pretty damn amazing.  He can chest bump and celebrate all he wants as long as he keeps that up.

I don't have anything against his antics at all. His enthusiasm has been a welcome spark. I was simply pointing out that if he were saddled with the responsibility of deciding the next defensive formation, or had input in deciding the next offensive play, you wouldn't see him jumping up and down playing rah! rah! rah! with the players.

My point was; Randy doesn't have the luxury of celebrating between plays, unless it's as the game is won and widing down in the last seconds. You don't see CPF or Chavis doing it. I'm not opposed to enthusiasm, but when you're saddled with their kind of responsibility it's quite foolish for fans to ridicule them for being stoic. Maybe it isn't a lack of enthusiasm on their part but the weight of responsibility. If the head coach and the coordinators were celebrating between plays and missed a big call I can only imagine the chorus of complaints that would follow.

QBvol7 seemed to pick up on my point quite well.

Maybe he's old school too. :D

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