Trump Aide Stephen Miller says Jane Fonda Committed Treason with her 1979 Protests against Vietnam War that earned her 'Hanoi Jane' nickname


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
  • Jane Fonda flew to Hanoi in 1972 during the Vietnam War to protest against the American military's presence there
  • She went on Vietnam public radio and told US pilots to stop bombing Vietnam
  • She also posed on a Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun which shot down US planes
  • She this week championed protests against the Keystone pipeline - which Biden has now blocked
  • Miller, appearing on Fox to talk about the pipeline, slammed the protesters for venerating Fonda as their leader
  • He said what she did in Vietnam was 'treason by any definition'
Former Trump aide Stephen Miller said on Wednesday that Jane Fonda committed treason by traveling to Vietnam in the 1970s to protest against the US government and the then ongoing war.

Fonda, now 83, is a lifelong activist who most recently protested the Keystone pipeline that Joe Biden has now blocked by revoking the permit on it.


Jane Fonda is shown in 1972 posing with a Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun that was used to shoot down US planes. She flew to Hanoi to try to convince US pilots to stop bombing Vietnamese fields because she didn't think it was fair

Her extreme antics earned her the nickname 'Hanoi Jane' among US veterans and troops.

Miller was on Fox News talking about Fonda's recent calls to stop the plans for pipelines that Trump put in place.

'What she did in the Vietnam War... people may have forgotten this. She volunteered herself as a tool of North Vietnamese Communist propaganda. She did North Vietnamese propaganda broadcasts on their radio station.

'She sat on their anti-aircraft battery that's used to shoot down American planes and American airmen.


Stephen Miller says Jane Fonda committed treason with 1979 Vietnam protests | Daily Mail Online
It's been almost 50 freakin years. She's an actress given way too much mileage from her Vietnam protest.
Exactly. Miller is really desperate for attention if that’s the best he’s got. I don’t like Hanoi Jane either but Miller is nothing more than a mean little twerp who didn’t get that butt whipped enough as a kid. Not even sure his mother liked him. He fit right in with his ex boss.

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