Trump Assassination Attempt(s)

How long till full crazy comes after this nonsense? Or are we there now?

Just trying to figure out how upset I should be that this is goin on.

I'll hang up and listen
I’m pissed off because of the way the USA has turned into a steaming pile of 💩 clown show. The American people better wake the F up, grow a pair and reintroduce some freaking common sense into their actions
I’m pissed off because of the way the USA has turned into a steam pile of 💩 clown show. The American people better wake the F up, grow a pair and reintroduce some freaking common sense into their actions
I agree brother.
Just wondering when everyone gets the memo to get off their butts and do something to improve our damn country.

Once people are down to the last possible actions against this shitshow, it will be too late for good change by far

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