Trump Assassination Attempt

Yes. Was just a perfect storm of boobery.
To get to this level of "boobery", there would have to almost be a concerted effort. You have to admit when there is literally one building that someone could shoot him from and nobody of authority checks it, and you have people calling ahead of time saying "hey this dude is on top of the building", that this may be more than boobery.
To get to this level of "boobery", there would have to almost be a concerted effort. You have to admit when there is literally one building that someone could shoot him from and nobody of authority checks it, and you have people calling ahead of time saying "hey this dude is on top of the building", that this may be more than boobery.

You say "more than boobery." May. But you can always say that. I think it highly unlikely. Just boobery.

Some Trump supporters seem to promote the "it must be more than that" narrative because it feeds his persona of victim, challenger to "the system," champion of the resentment-laden. But that's not proof, is it ?
As I read across forums whose Members are doing deep analysis of the Trump assassination, the overwhelming majority of them are making the case for multiple shooters. At least two.

The amount of disinformation and lack of public institutional disclosure supports their conclusions, let's face it, the entire thing from an investigative standpoint is a mess, a joke and could entirely be pre-planned. If this is the case, who wants Trump dead?
Democratic interests?
GOP Trump haters?
Power Elite?
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You say "more than boobery." May. But you can always say that. I think it highly unlikely. Just boobery.

Some Trump supporters seem to promote the "it must be more than that" narrative because it feeds his persona of victim, challenger to "the system," champion of the resentment-laden. But that's not proof, is it ?
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You say "more than boobery." May. But you can always say that. I think it highly unlikely. Just boobery.

Some Trump supporters seem to promote the "it must be more than that" narrative because it feeds his persona of victim, challenger to "the system," champion of the resentment-laden. But that's not proof, is it ?
Are you being serious with this post?

I think most people that are rational thinkers would say "it must be more than that", because if what happened is real then it's pretty damn sad how bad our secret service really is.
You say "more than boobery." May. But you can always say that. I think it highly unlikely. Just boobery.

Some Trump supporters seem to promote the "it must be more than that" narrative because it feeds his persona of victim, challenger to "the system," champion of the resentment-laden. But that's not proof, is it ?
Fake pee tape claims. Proof of FBI folks working against him. Entire US government working to claim hunter laptop was bs. Then this. Yea no reason for him to think he is being treated "oddly."
You say "more than boobery." May. But you can always say that. I think it highly unlikely. Just boobery.

Some Trump supporters seem to promote the "it must be more than that" narrative because it feeds his persona of victim, challenger to "the system," champion of the resentment-laden. But that's not proof, is it ?
It’s hard to believe the Secret Service has gotten that fat, drunk and stupid ….. but we all saw Betty Fat Fingers…. I guess whoever was in charge could be a complete lame brain as well …. Why not?
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It’s pretty wild when you stop and think about it.

91 separate charges across 3 different states/jurisdictions...none of which are ACTUAL crimes that literally ANY OTHER President in the history of our country would have ever been charged with.

In fact, the potato currently SAID to be in the Whitehouse actually has done the exact same things (classified docs) as well as the Clintons and others but never faced any charges.

For these Trump obsessed clowns to even pretend to insinuate that this man has not been absolutely railroaded and persecuted in a completely unprecedented manner is an insult to anyone with a working brain. The "Lawfare" conducted by this embarrassing shell of an administration is shameless. In fact the entire administration and many of their supporters are actually shameless. Which is exactly why this nation is a gross and depraved caricature of what it once was.
Yeah but multiple people wanted it to happen.

Crooks was the mastermind. He was the sole triggerman.

The debate starts as to whether the Biden admin willfully and knowingly put Trump at risk with the size of his detail....

It's either administrative incompetence or intentional neglect. I can buy both arguments...

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