Trump commuted sentence of this guy

From the NY Times list of Trumps pardons and commutations.
Here Are Some of the People Trump Pardoned

The rapper Kodak Black, whose legal name is Bill Kapri (though he was born Dieuson Octave), was granted a commutation. In 2019, he was sentenced to nearly four years in prison for lying on background paperwork while attempting to buy guns. He had served nearly half of that time.

Do you think Biden will have to pardon Hunter for lying on his background paperwork too, assuming he is ever charged?
Interesting to see someone who claims to be a lawyer make a comment about a criminal case before a plea/ trial or even a first appearance for that matter. I’m not sure if criminal law is in the spectrum of what you practice but if so…..I sure as **** wouldn’t hire you.
How would you like to be charged with murder for defending your home in an invasion and hire this left leaning POS on accident? He would promise you the world to secure you as a client but in the back of his mind hopes to bury you for exercising your 2A right.
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